hent_status_pd Retrieves status data for a specific InstrumentId and date range from datafangst-person GCS bucket, returning it as a Pandas DataFrame.
instrument_id: str,
start_dato: Optional[date] = None,
slutt_dato: Optional[date] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame
hent_status_pl Retrieves status data for a specific InstrumentId and date range from datafangst-person GCS bucket, returning it as a Polars DataFrame.
instrument_id: str,
start_dato: Optional[date] = None,
slutt_dato: Optional[date] = None,
) -> pl.DataFrame
hent_utvalg_pd Retrieves utvalg data for a specific InstrumentId from datafangst-person GCS bucket, returning it as a Pandas DataFrame.
instrument_id: str,
) -> pd.DataFrame
hent_utvalg_pl Retrieves utvalg data for a specific InstrumentId from datafangst-person GCS bucket, returning it as a Polars DataFrame.
instrument_id: str,
) -> pl.DataFrame
question_sorting Processes a Paradata DataFrame returning a list of FieldNames in the order they were asked in the survey.
x: pd.DataFrame,
) -> list[str]
make_bolk Extracts and returns a nested section (bolk) name from a string, such as FieldName.
row: str,
) -> str
fill_all_para_pl Prepares a Polars DataFrame with paradata for analysis by filling missing values, creating new columns, and transforming the data for analysis.
table_df: pl.DataFrame,
) -> pl.DataFrame
fill_para_pl Prepares a Polars DataFrame with paradata for analysis, transforming data as necessary if the data has a min TimeStamp after we started doing fill_para automatically in out iac repo.
table_df: pl.DataFrame,
) -> pl.DataFrame
fill_para_pd Prepares a Pandas DataFrame with paradata for analysis, transforming data as necessary if the data has a min TimeStamp after we started doing fill_para automatically in out iac repo.
table_df: pd.DataFrame,
) -> pd.DataFrame
You can install SSB Datafangst Person Fagfunksjoner via pip from PyPI:
pip install ssb-datafangst-person-fagfunksjoner
Please see the Reference Guide for details.
Contributions are very welcome. To learn more, see the Contributor Guide.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, SSB Datafangst Person Fagfunksjoner is free and open source software.
If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.
This project was generated from Statistics Norway's SSB PyPI Template.