This script uses Node.js and axios to make requests to the Adobe Campaign API and fetch profile and services data.
You need to have Node.js and npm installed on your local machine. Once you have these, you can install the dependencies by running:
npm install
This will install the required axios and dotenv modules.
The script expects the following environment variables:
CLIENT_ID - Your Adobe API Client ID
CLIENT_SECRET - Your Adobe API Client Secret
TENANT_ID - Your Adobe Tenant ID
SCOPES - The scopes your application requires access to
You need to create a .env file in the root directory of the project, and add these variables. Here's a template for your .env file:
To execute the script, run:
node script.js
This script will first get an access token from Adobe using the Client Credentials flow, and then use that token to make an API request to get profile and services data from Adobe Campaign. The received data will be logged to the console.