This repository contains a moded version of PyTorch YOLOv5 ( It filters out every detection that is not a person. The detections of persons are then passed to a Deep Sort algorithm ( which tracks the persons. The reason behind the fact that it just tracks persons is that the deep association metric is trained on a person ONLY datatset.
The implementation is based on two papers:
- Simple Online and Realtime Tracking with a Deep Association Metric
- YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection
Python 3.8 or later with all requirements.txt dependencies installed, including torch>=1.6. To install run:
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
All dependencies are included in the associated docker images. Docker requirements are:
- Nvidia Driver Version >= 440.44
Github block pushes of files larger than 100 MB ( Hence you need to download two different weights: the ones for yolo and the ones for deep sort
- download the yolov5 weight from Place the downlaoded
file underyolov5/weights/
- download the deep sort weights from Place ckpt.t7 file under
Tracking can be run on most video formats
python3 --source ...
- Video:
--source file.mp4
- Webcam:
--source 0
- RTSP stream:
--source rtsp://
- HTTP stream:
MOT compliant results can be saved to inference/output
python3 --source ... --save-txt
For more detailed information about the algorithms and their corresponding lisences used in this project access their official github implementations.