A Powershell script to easily create new users in AD and send email confirmations.
This script will perform several actions when ran:
It will attempt to elevate itself to Admin status on the local system.
Then it will enable PS-Remote on said system.
Once enabled, it will attempt to connect to your Domain Controller (through the use of PS-Remote).
Once connected, it gathers some input (first name, last name, email address) and creates a new user in Active Directory, using a temporary password, with information from the input given.
Once created, it will attempt to send a confirmation email to whoever you set.
Some notes: Requires logon to the domain controller as well as the mail server. Anywhere in the script that you see "YOUR_", you need to input your own network information (such as your domain controller host name or mail server url). This script also requires that RSAT Tools for Windows be installed on the local system.