This is an earthquake today web application which was implemented by React hooks. Leverage on React Table and Leaflet.
- User is able to visualize the earthquake happened locations on the interactive earth map.
- There is a table which provides user to view the dataset also able to do sorting, filtering and pagination.
Clone down this repository. You will need node
and npm
installed globally on your machine.
npm install
To Start Server:
npm start
To Visit App:
To Run Test Suite:
npm test
- PASS src/App.test.js
- PASS src/Components/Table/Table.test.jsx
- PASS src/Components/Title/Title.test.jsx
- PASS src/util/helper.test.js
Test Suites: 4 passed, 4 total Tests: 12 passed, 12 total Snapshots: 0 total Time: 2.956s, estimated 4s
This is a very brief list of things that I would love to work on given more time:
- Interaction between map and table (e.g. filtered data from table are highlighted on map)
- Implement real time update (monitoring)
- Increase unit test coverage
- Custom some filters (e.g. slider for number column, dropdown for type)
Stanley Hsu