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Really inaccessible


Welcome to Rea11y Inaccessible, a dystopian escape game on digital accessibility inspired by where you will have to overcome the challenges of accessibility. An escape game where you will immerse yourself into a society where the norm is very different from the one you know.

Add a language

  • Create a directory containing the translation files src > locales > language to be added.
  • Add index of selected language src/routes/[lang]/(escape)/+layout.svelte in the row let selectedLanguageIndex = $page.params.lang === 'fr' ? 0
  • add language in src > locales > existing languages > common.json in node and add his translation in all common.json files
  • Create a new background image of Louis Braille with the birth and death hints:
    • using static > abri > computer > source > louisBraille.pdn with the software
    • or by modifying the files static > abri > computer > source > base.png and static > abri > computer > source > document.png with the software of your choice, then creating a jpeg file and placing it in the translation folder static > abri > computer > language to add > louisBraille.jpg.
  • Create a new audio file in the target language with the keyword to be guessed in the deafness test and place it in the translation folder static > surface > laboratory > audiovisual_room > language to add > nodeaf.mp3.
  • Create 5 new audios in the target language to vocalize the input field and place them in the translation folder:
    • static > sound > accessibleName > language to add > firstName.mp3
    • static > sound > accessibleName > language to add > surname.mp3
    • static > sound > accessibleName > language to add > birthdate.mp3
    • static > sound > accessibleName > language to add > deathDay.mp3
    • static > sound > accessibleName > language to add > submit.mp3
  • Adjust the helpers according to your translation in src > lib > index.ts:












