##Description## Vagrantfile to deploy the ELK stack Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana and Packetbeat for use as a Netmon and Syslog analysis tool.
=================================== ##Setup without Vagrant## If not using Vagrant, run the following commands on a fresh debian/ubuntu install after logging in as root to mimic the same behaviour
###Prepare Apt###
apt-get update
###Install Nginx### apt-get install nginx service nginx start
###Install Elasticsearch### apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk wget https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-1.7.1.deb dpkg -i elasticsearch-1.7.1.deb update-rc.d elasticsearch defaults 95 10 service elasticsearch start Elasticsearch 1.7.1 debian package available here. Use this if connection to elastic.co is slow.
###Install Logstash### wget https://download.elastic.co/logstash/logstash/packages/debian/logstash_1.5.3-1_all.deb dpkg -i logstash_1.5.3-1_all.deb update-rc.d logstash defaults 95 10 Logstash 1.5.3-1 debian package available here. Use this if connection to elastic.co is slow.
Then copy the logstash.conf file available in this project at: cookbooks/ss_logstash/files/default/logstash.conf to: /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash.conf. When that is done:
service logstash restart
###Install Kibana 4### wget https://download.elastic.co/kibana/kibana/kibana-4.1.1-linux-x64.tar.gz tar -xvzf kibana-4.1.1-linux-x64.tar.gz mkdir -p /opt/kibana cp -R kibana-4.1.1-linux-x64/* /opt/kibana/ wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/thisismitch/8b15ac909aed214ad04a/raw/bce61d85643c2dcdfbc2728c55a41dab444dca20/kibana4 cp kibana4 /etc/init.d/kibana4 chmod +x /etc/init.d/kibana4 update-rc.d kibana4 defaults 96 9 service kibana4 start Kibana 4 tarball available here. Use this if connection to elastic.co is slow.
###Install Packetbeat### https://download.elastic.co/beats/packetbeat/packetbeat_1.0.0-beta2_amd64.deb dpkg -i packetbeat_1.0.0-beta2_amd64.deb curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_template/packetbeat' -d@/etc/packetbeat/packetbeat.template.json update-rc.d packetbeat defaults 95 10 curl -L -O https://download.elastic.co/beats/packetbeat/packetbeat-dashboards-1.0.0-beta2.tar.gz tar xzvf packetbeat-dashboards-1.0.0-beta2.tar.gz cd packetbeat-dashboards-1.0.0-beta2/ ./load.sh Packetbeat 1.0.0-beta2 available here. Use this if connection to elastic.co is slow.
###Access Web Portal### http://server_ip:5601
###HyperV Promiscuous Mode point to VM### Set up the virtual machine running netflow as the destination for port mirroring data (run in powershell on the hyperv host). Original article
Set-VMNetworkAdapter vmName -PortMirroring Destination
Set up the hosts virtual switch as the source of port mirroring data.
Get this powershell module
Import-Module .\VMSwitchPortMonitorMode.psm1
Set-VMSwitchPortMonitorMode -SwitchName switchName -MonitorMode Source
Check a switch's port monitoring status
Get-VMSwitchPortMonitoringMode switchName
Disable the port mirroring for a switch
Set-VMSwitchPortMonitorMode -SwitchName switchName -MonitorMode None