Qiita web frontend based on a tornado-redis-celery setup with a login system, push notifications on celery jobs, and file uploads.
Python 2.7
redis-server 2.6.16
postgreSQL 9.3.0
IPython 1.1.0
Python libraries
tornado 3.1.1
redis 2.8.0
tornadoredis 2.4.15
celery 3.1.7
psycopg2 2.5.1
Add the base folder to your PYTHONPATH.
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/QiiTa-pet/
Start the background daemons for redis-server and postgreSQL.
Start an IPython cluster:
ipcluster start -n 4
Start the celery workers from the qiita_pet folder:
celery -A app worker --concurrency 4
For the postgres database setup, follow the instructions in create_tables.sql
Start the webserver by running:
python webserver.py
Navigate to http://localhost:8888 and create a user/pass to log in with. Everything else should be self explanatory.
Websockets issue with Safari in non-localhost setting.