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Step 3: Build Your Views
Now that we have some model data, we want to add some views. A view in SproutCore is a JavaScript class that manages the display (through HTML) of your application as well as incoming events. You configure the views you want to use in your application through a special API called a “page design”.
Inside your new application, you will find a default page design at apps/todos/english.lproj/main_page.js. This is where you will put your initial set of views, so let’s open that file and take a look at it.
Your default main_page document should look something like this (comments removed):
Todos.mainPage = SC.Page.design({
mainPane: SC.MainPane.design({
childViews: 'labelView'.w(),
labelView: SC.LabelView.design({
layout: { centerX: 0, centerY: 0, width: 100, height: 18 },
tagName: "h1", value: "Hello World"
The first thing you will notice here are two new classes: SC.Page and SC.MainPane.
SC.Page is simply a “bucket” for placing your configured views. It can instantiate views for you automatically when you request them in your application. Most applications will have at least one page object called “mainPage”. That page object can contain any number of views that you want, but it will almost always have a view called “mainPane” or “mainView”.
In SproutCore 0.9 or earlier, all applications had a single SC.page object that contained all of your views. It was generated by the ruby view helpers. SproutCore 1.0 pages are similar but you can now have as many as you like in your application. Very large projects may contain several dozen of these, loaded lazily as they are needed.
SC.MainPane is a subclass of SC.Pane that will act as the root view for your application. In SproutCore 1.0 all views must have a parent view except for SC.Pane, which is a special type of view that can root itself directly in your HTML page. Suffice to say, any view hierarchy that you need to add directly to your HTML body must subclass from SC.Pane.
Since most applications have a single root view that fills the entire browser window, SproutCore provides a special subclass, called SC.MainPane, that provides some of the common functions needed by a main pane.
In this case, we have a MainPange with a single child view called “labelView” that displays the string “Hello World”. This is the default content we are going to replace in this step of the tutorial.
Before we start editing this text, let’s take a quick look at how these views end up on your screen. Open your apps/todos/main.js file and you will see this line:
Todos.getPath('mainPage.mainPane').append() ;
This is really the line that makes your application come alive. This line will fetch the mainPane object from the mainPage and then ask it to append() itself to your HTML body element. If you comment this line and reload your app, you will see that your screen remains largely blank (except for the loading screen).
If you commented out this line, put it back and go back to your main_page.js file so we can start editing our UI.
Let’s start by adding a simple three part layout. In your main_page file, replace the mainPane property with:
mainPane: SC.MainPane.design({
childViews: 'topView middleView bottomView'.w(),
topView: SC.View.design(SC.Border, {
layout: { top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, height: 41 },
middleView: SC.ScrollView.design({
hasHorizontalScroller: NO,
layout: { top: 42, bottom: 42, left: 0, right: 0 },
backgroundColor: 'white'
bottomView: SC.View.design(SC.Border, {
layout: { bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, height: 41 },
borderStyle: SC.BORDER_TOP
This code adds three child views to your main pane. You can see the childViews property above tells SproutCore the name and order of each view. (w() is a convenience function that splits the string into an array of words).
Below the childViews property are the three views. The topView and bottomView will form the toolbars in our application. They both add an SC.Border mixin which renders a border on the view according to the borderStyle property. The middleView will contain our list of Tasks. For now we’ve just placed a scroll view there and given it a white background.
In your browser, hit refresh to view your new app. It should look something like this:
One of the most important things you will do in your page designs is to position your views on screen. SproutCore views are positioned using a special property called “layout”. A layout contains several CSS-like attributes that describe your view’s positioning.
Unlike desktop systems that have you simply specify sizing using a frame rectangle, SproutCore layout properties allow you to specify both the initial dimensions of your view and how you want it to resize. For example, if you name both a left and a right property in your layout, but no width, the view will automatically resize its width when you resize the window.
It is important that you design your SproutCore applications to make maximum use of this automated resizing ability of layouts because SproutCore can make maximum use of the browser’s built-in ability to make resizing smooth and error free.
In the example above, we want the topView and bottomView to be anchored to the top and bottom of the window respectively. They should have a fixed height and should resize their width only. To implement this, the layouts name a left and right edge of 0 along with a fixed height. Their top and bottom edges are also fixed respectively.
The middle view, on the other hand, should have both a flexible width and height when the browser resizes. To support this, the layout for this view has a left, right, top and bottom but no width or height, allowing those to change as the browser resizes.
Resize your browser window with your app loaded to see this effect.
All layout measurements are in pixels and are relative to their parent view.
Now that we have the basic layout of our page set, let’s add some controls. We want to have a label view in the top left corner, a button to Add tasks in the top right and a label at the bottom that will contain the item count. Modify your main page design to match the example below.
mainPane: SC.MainPane.design({
childViews: 'topView middleView bottomView'.w(),
topView: SC.View.design(SC.Border, {
layout: { top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, height: 41 },
childViews: 'labelView addButton'.w(),
borderStyle: SC.BORDER_BOTTOM,
labelView: SC.LabelView.design({
layout: { centerY: 0, height: 24, left: 8, width: 200 },
fontWeight: SC.BOLD_WEIGHT,
value: 'Todos'
addButton: SC.ButtonView.design({
layout: { centerY: 0, height: 21, right: 8, width: 100 },
title: "Add Task"
middleView: SC.ScrollView.design({
hasHorizontalScroller: NO,
layout: { top: 42, bottom: 42, left: 0, right: 0 },
backgroundColor: 'white',
contentView: SC.ListView.design({
bottomView: SC.View.design(SC.Border, {
layout: { bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, height: 41 },
childViews: 'summaryView'.w(),
borderStyle: SC.BORDER_TOP,
summaryView: SC.LabelView.design({
layout: { centerY: 0, height: 18, left: 20, right: 20 },
value: "Item Count"
Like the container views you setup before, these controls also have layout properties. In fact, layout is the one property you will set on almost all of the views you design. These controls also have value properties that will populate with dynamic content later. For now we just want to test so we are filling things in here.
When you are designing views in SproutCore, you are really creating custom subclasses of your views. You can add any property to the views that you might add in a subclass. If you want to know what properties you can set on a view that will have an effect, just look at the documentation for the class. Any properties defined there will work in your design.
Reload your webpage now and give it a whirl. Try clicking the button and resize the window. It should look something like this:
The button won’t do anything yet of course. You haven’t hooked it up to your data yet. That is the point of the next step.
Continue to Step 4: Hook Up Your Data »
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