A set of simple SproutCore debugging apps. Before working on a specific part of SproutCore, be sure to check to see if someone has already made a debug app for that part. As well, if you've created small test apps, please submit them so that others may use them in the future.
Contains a GridView with a user defined number of images that may be resized using a SliderView. Buttons toggle background loading, canvas rendering and image storing. You can also select what type of scaling to do: SC.FILL, SC.FIT_WIDTH, SC.FIT_HEIGHT, SC.FIT_SMALLEST, SC.FIT_LARGEST or a percentage (> 0.0), what offsetX or offsetY to use and what rotation to use (degrees).
The red borders indicate the edges of the images.
status 01/24/11: debugged with git://github.com/sproutcore/sproutcore.git
Contains a form for editing the data of a Person {givenNames, familyName, addresses, biometricSet}. Where addresses is a ChildArray of Address {label, street, locality, region, country, postalCode} and biometricSet is a ChildRecord of BiometricSet {weight, height, hairColor, eyeColor}. There are buttons to add/remove addresses from the Person which should update the form and there is a label bound to the current Person content to validate edits of the nested records.
Note: this work became a dead-end, probably won't revisit
status 11/18/10: debugged with git://github.com/publickeating/sproutcore.git (nested_forms branch)
Contains two SegmentedViews (one variable width & one fixed width) and two labels bound to the current values. Also contains four buttons: Add - add a segment to the end of each, Remove - remove a segment from the end of each, Stretch - add a character to the variable width segmented view and 5px to the fixed width segmented view, Shrink - remove a character or subtract 5px respectively.
status 11/18/10: debugged with git://github.com/publickeating/sproutcore.git (segmented_views branch)