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Using Abbot 1.4 From Source

topherfangio edited this page Dec 14, 2011 · 5 revisions

These steps will allow the use of a development release of abbot rather than an installed gem.

1. Inside the Sproutcore project folder create a file named Gemfile (no extension)

Modify the file so that it contains:

source ""
gem "sproutcore", :git => "git://", :submodules => true
# if you want to use a version of abbot already checked out into your system rather than the remote repository
# gem "sproutcore", :path => "/path/to/abbot"
# You will then also need to expend the submodules with :
# git submodule update

2. Install abbot and its dependencies by running these commands

$ sudo gem install bundler
$ bundle install

This will install the Ruby 'bundler' gem (if it isn't already). The bundle install command will take care of locating, installing and linking to either the remote git or locally installed version of abbot and dependencies.

3. Start the server

$ bundle exec sc-server