- #1181 - Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3.5-SNAPSHOT.
- #1180 - Migrate to new Sonatype infrastructure.
- #1177 - Upgrade WSS4J to 2.3.0.
- #1176 - Upgrade to SAAJ impl 2.0.0.
- #1175 - Upgrade to JUnit 5.7.0.
- #1174 - Upgrade to AspectJ 1.9.6.
- #1173 - Upgrade to Spring Security 5.4.1.
- #1172 - Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3.
- #1170 - Create 3.1 branch.
- #1167 - Upgrade WSS4J to 2.3.0.
- #1165 - Fix flaky test in SpringSecurityPasswordValidationCallbackHandlerTest.
- #158 - Wording changes.
- #157 - Fixed skip validation in handleResponse.
- #156 - Update spring-doc-resources version.
- #154 - Clearing context so later tests can pass.
- #152 - Fix typo in why-contract-first.adoc.
- #124 - Spring ws can fail on Java 10 due to error in wss4j usage of java api.
- #122 - SWS-1035 - XMLUnit migration from 1.5 to 2.6.2.
- #1104 - Upgrade spring-ws-test XMLUnit from 1.5 to 2.x [SWS-1035].