released this
21 Nov 16:57
1103 commits
to main
since this release
- #712 - MessageAddressingProperties not Serializable [SWS-596].
- #711 - SchemaCollection issue when XSD files are in the classpath, in different JAR artifacts [SWS-594].
- #709 - Version not specified for build and reporting plugins [SWS-592].
- #707 - Child POMs should specify parent relativePath [SWS-590].
- #704 - debug logging will hide parsing error on non well formed xml, and continue processing with incomplete xml [SWS-588].
- #702 - specify custom TransformerFactory in org.springframework.xml.transform.TransformerObjectSupport [SWS-586].
- #701 - AbstractHttpSenderConnection does not immediately recognise HTTP 204 has no content-length [SWS-583].
- #698 - AxiomSoapMessageFactory does not parse application/xop+xml Content-Type properly [SWS-579].
- #697 - Fix manifest to disallow usage of org.springframework.oxm version 3.0.0 [SWS-578].
- #696 - sentMessageTracingLogger skips request message headerer content [SWS-576].
- #695 - CommonsXsdSchemaCollection: Combination of xs:includes and xs:imports in a schema result in incorrect/overcomplete schema in wsdl generated by DefaultWsdl11Definition [SWS-575].
- #692 - The default encoding is not set to UTF-8 for JibxMarshaller [SWS-572].
- #691 - Illegal SoapAction header: " [SWS-571].
- #690 - Refactored SaajSoapMessage getImplementation() method hides root cause problems [SWS-569].
- #687 - DelegatingSoapEndpointMapping produce NPE [SWS-566].
- #685 - CommonsHttpMessageSender no longer properly shuts down MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager [SWS-564].
- #683 - IllegalStateException: Could not find SAAJ on the classpath after upgrading from 1.5.7 to 1.5.8 [SWS-560].
- #664 - Add getters to WS-A ActionCallback [SWS-537].
- #647 - UnsupportedOperationException During Validation After Upgrade From 1.5.6 to 1.5.7 [SWS-521].