This repository contains an open source Python library that allows you to access Facebook Platform from your Python app.
Python Facebook is largely inspired from the Official Facebook PHP SDK. This is a work in progress and only support the Facebook Login for now.
pip install -e git+
Facebook Login:
from python_facebook.sdk.facebook import Facebook
from python_facebook.sdk.persistent_data.django_persistent_data_handler import DjangoPersistentDataHandler
app_id = '<your_app_id>'
app_secret = '<your_app_secret>'
redirect_url = 'http://<your_redirect_url>'
fb = Facebook({
'app_id': app_id,
'app_secret': app_secret,
'persistent_data_handler': DjangoPersistentDataHandler(django_session)
fbrlh = self.facebook.get_redirect_login_helper()
login_url = fbrlh.get_login_url(redirect_url, scope=['public_profile'])
Then in the view of your redirect url:
access_token = fbrlh.get_access_token({'code': code, 'state': state}, redirect_url)
"code" and "state" values are found in the GET parameters of the redirect url.
Getting User info with an access_token: