Preset Updates
Super Quick preset now uses Basic Item Placement instead of Advanced
Beginner preset now uses Assured Swords instead of Vanilla
Logic Updates
Numerous updates and corrections to Overworld Glitches and Major Glitches logics
Glitched logics now start with Pegasus Boots as before
Skull Woods pinball room can now contain progression when not forcing a small key
Hyrule Castle Sewers Dark Cross logic fixed to account for Fire Rod or Lamp
Thieves’ Town Big Chest can no longer contain a small key on 100% Locations
Several corrections to Entrance Randomizer on Inverted Game State
Hint Updates
Progressive Bows have been added to the “unique hints” pool
Mimic Cave has been added to the “requires hammer” pool
Graveyard Ledge has been added to the “requires bomb” pool
Misc / Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug with Swordless not working when entrances were randomized
Fixer a bug with Progressive Bows in Hard/Expert when entrances were randomized
Daily Race Seed weightings have been adjusted based on feedback
Various minor Customizer updates and bug fixes
Various copy updates and corrections to Game Options page
Dungeon Item has been renamed to Dungeon Item Shuffle on the UI
Permalink updates to properly include game settings in link
Quickswap can now be properly enabled on ER race ROMS as before
Several updates to the joke hint pool
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