This repository is depreacted. Please refer to here!!!
- Homebrew
- Chrome
- Iterm
- 1password
- Alfred
- Better Touch Tool
- Contexts
- Sublime Text
- Things3
- Terminal Tweaks
This is 'Super Awwwwwwwwesome' package manager, official link.
If you are use this tool, you can save your time.
To search application or cli: formulae search
Default web browser.
Font size
: 'Large'- Set
Show warning before quitting with ⌘Q
: disabled - Check extension
Default terminal app, iTerm2. This is well-known terminal app. You can customize it and set status for mac.
- Add the Theme(gruvbox dark hard 256): contribution
- Sync Preferences: ☁️,
Password manager.
If you stil rememeber you password, license, and some secret thing or write them to paper,
You can write them into 1Password and get them when/what you want.
This app also supports IOS, web, and more.
Alfred is awesome launcher app.
It has more feature than Spotlight.
- can search anything in my mac.
- can search something in web without fousing web browser.
- can store/get in clipboard, text, image, and file.
- can convert text using snippet.
- can explore your mac more and more using Workflow.
Additional Infomation
I revised color and font for appearence based on gruvbox.
!! You must should install 'Hack Nerd Mono' if you use this appearence.
Alfred say ...
With Alfred's Powerpack and workflows, ... and boost your productivity.
However, there are so many workflows and some of them will be not updated.
Workflows is good to me but sometimes it is hard to find nice workflows.
I searched in goolge and github, and I make a note to keep workflows.
If you want to see more...
- Enable License: 🔐
- Sync Preferences: ☁️,
All inputs through mac can customized as you want if you have Better Touch Tool.
I have a another keyboard, but sometimes I have to use keyboard of this mac.
When I push fn, I can press function key. But it is awkward to press function key in IDEA.
So I just mapped number key to function using Better Touch Tool.
- Sync Preferences: ☁️, Dropbox
- Install Preset: Link
Contexts manages all windows and application in my mac.
When you want to switch between application, you press command + tab.
Or when you want to switch windows between in a application, you press command + `.
But if you have more windows as a full screen, the switching is not working as you want.
Contexts enable to switch windows as I want.
Just try to use this app.
- Set Preference: Link
Sublime Text is Text Editor, it is simple and fast.
- Install 'Package Controll' (
- Install Package 'A File Icon' (
- Install Package 'gruvbox' (
- MarkdownEditing (
- Install Packge 'MarkdownPreview' (
- Set Preference
Default Setting...
/// default setting
"font_face": "Hack Nerd Font Mono",
"font_size": 15,
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
"margin": 2,
"mini_diff": "auto",
"trim_automatic_white_space": false,
Gruvbox Setting...
/// gruvbox theme seting
"theme": "gruvbox.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Hard).sublime-color-scheme",
"gruvbox_accent_blue": true,
"gruvbox_autocomplete_cramped": true,
"gruvbox_sideline_autocomplete_row_thickest": true,
"gruvbox_sidebar_compact": true,
"gruvbox_sidebar_indent_s": true,
"gruvbox_sidebar_font_size_14": true,
"gruvbox_sidebar_heading_bold": true,
"gruvbox_sidebar_label_bold": true,
"gruvbox_command_palette_compact": true,
"gruvbox_statusbar_xl": true,
"gruvbox_statusbar_font_size_15": true,
"gruvbox_tabs_xxs": true,
"gruvbox_tabs_font_size_15": true,
"gruvbox_underline_active_tab_thicker": true,
"gruvbox_panel_xxs": true,
"gruvbox_scrollbar_width_xl": true,
"gruvbox_buttons_font_size_16": true,
"gruvbox_disable_borders": true,
"gruvbox_folder_icons_large": true,
"gruvbox_iconset_thick": true,
"gruvbox_disable_panels_button": true,
"gruvbox_highlight_active_buttons": true,
"gruvbox_highlight_active_tree_row": true,
"gruvbox_tabs_autowidth": true,
"gruvbox_tabs_bold": true,
- Editor Tabs: Tab placements: 'None', Tab limit: '1'
- Plugins: Gruvbox Theme: dark hard
- Plugins: Rainbow Brackets
- Plugins: String Manipulation
Have you heard GTD?
'Getting Things Done' is a time management method, ...
from wikipedia
When you are focusing on something, there are times when an idea suddenly comes to mind.
You do not have to worry about missing that idea anymore.
- Just put in idea, Things.
- Get it from Things when you want.
- Do it.
Quick Look: Animation
defaults write -g QLPanelAnimationDuration -float 0; killall Finder
defaults delete -g QLPanelAnimationDuration; killall Finder
Dock: Delay
defaults write autohide-delay -float 0; killall Dock
defaults delete autohide-delay; killall Dock
Dock: Animation
defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0; killall Dock
defaults delete autohide-time-modifier; killall Dock
Launch Pad: Animation
defaults write springboard-show-duration -int 0; killall Dock
defaults write springboard-hide-duration -int 0; killall Dock
defaults delete springboard-show-duration; killall Dock
defaults delete springboard-hide-duration; killall Dock
Pop-up&Dialog: Animation
defaults write -g NSWindowResizeTime -float 0.01
defaults write -g NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults delete -g NSWindowResizeTime
defaults delete -g NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled
File Format
Default: .png
defaults write type PDF; killall SystemUIServer
File Path
Default: ~/Desktop
defaults write location /drag/location/here; killall SystemUIServer