The official interactive web application for Capitol Hill's annual Block Party! This interactive map will help you nagivate Seattle's premier showcase of the Pacific Northwest's best local talent.
This project is a Single Page Application (SPA) bootstrapped by Create React App.
To get started, clone the repository and install the npm dependences
npm ci
Start the local development server
npm start
The app should be available at
Mapbox Studio is used to to host our static geojson file as a tileset, as well as a custom Mapbnox Style.
Geojson FeatureCollection containing location and metadata for all event locations. This includes stages, sponsors, beer gardens, food courts, etc. Each feature contains a properties object with the following information
"properties": {
"id": "351", // Unique feature id
"details": null,
"description": null,
"name": "Main Stage", // Official feature name
"website": null,
"type": "State", // Feature type (Art/Music, Stage, Sponsor, etc.)
"rotate": null, // Label rotation degree
"left_panel": true // Used to display in left panel