JWST build 7.5
Release Notes
The Level-1b script "set_telescope_pointing" has been updated to insert moving target coordinate keywords into level-1b product headers when the coordinate data is available in a moving target position table extension provided by SDP.
Association generator rules have been updated to:
- Limit NIRSpec IFU level 3 associations to contain data from a single grating+filter combination
- Produce level 2b and 3 associations for nodded observations for all spectroscopic modes
- Exclude dark exposures from all associations
Updates to Level-2a processing for all exposure modes include:
- Significant reduction in the memory footprint for processing of all exposure types
Updates to Level-2b processing for all exposure modes include:
- Populate ASNPOOL and ASNTABLE keywords for all products using an ASN to drive processing
Updates to Level-2b spectroscopic (calwebb_spec2) processing include:
- Bug fixes and refactoring of WCS transforms for WFSS exposures
Updates to the Level-3 imaging (calwebb_image3) processing include:
- Only load science and background members from an input ASN file
- The new capability to align image WCS to the Gaia catalog
- Added new capability to align moving target exposures in the moving target coordinate frame
- Source catalog generation has been completely rewritten to include new types of source measurements
- Updates to several steps to make them more robust to garbage data
- Many bug fixes to the creation of combined/resampled NIRSpec and MIRI LRS spectra
Updates to the Level-3 spectroscopic (calwebb_spec3) processing include:
- Update level-2b source-based products to include metadata from input exposures
- 1-D extracted products for WFSS mode now contain all data for a given source in a single x1d product
- Combined 1-D products for WFSS mode use the new product type suffix "c1d"
- Updated mrs_imatch to make it more robust to data that is out of specification
Updates to the Level-3 WFS&C (calwebb_wfs-image3) pipeline include:
- Updated the ASNTABLE keyword in all combined (wfscmb) image products
Full Release notes
- Update keyword and attribute usage around SkyObject to reflect updated keywords. [#4943]
- Refactor PPS origin of NIRSpec MOS shutters from top left to bottom left. [#4959]
associations - Modify NIRSpec IFU level-3 ASN rules to include only one grating per association [#4926]
- Update coron3 for new outlier detection application [#4968]
- Add to_container to CubeModel to convert a cube to a list of images [#4968]
- Add getarray_noinit to DataModel to access arrays without causing initialization [#4968]
- Limit looping over HDU's while resolving arrays in schema [#4951]
- Relax asdf requirement and use validator flag when asdf 2.6.x is installed [#4905]
- Updated core schema to include recent Keyword Dictionary changes (remove TIME-END; add TDB-BEG, TDB-MID, TDB-END, XPOSURE, TELAPSE) [#4925]
- Populate meta.asn.table_name when an association is loaded into a ModelContainer. [#4873]
Add aperture correction in extract_1d processing. [#4902]
Update SkyObject keys. [#4943]
Fix mrs_imatch to avoid calls to sigma_clipped_stats with all-zero arrays. [#4944]
Fix flux units in photom for MultiSlit cases. [#4958]
Updated calwebb_image3 pipeline to only load science and background member types from an input ASN. [#4937]
Updated the calwebb_spec2 pipeline to only use the basename of the source catalog file when updating the source_catalogue keyword for WFSS inputs. [#4940]
Fixed bug when the READPATT/SUBARRAY data is not found in RSCD reference file [#4934]
Add more concentration indices and update step docs. [#4906, #4908]
Added fallback background estimation method to make background estimation moare robust. [#4929]
Fixed the nearest-neighbor code to handle the case of exactly one detected source. [#4929]
Update abmag error calculation. [#4945]
Exit gracefully if APCORR ref file is missing. [#4948]
Added align_to_gaia processing as an option [#4599]