Course Link:
day1 => simple html,css and javascript (concepts convered => what is Dom? how it works? and what is virtual Dom?);
day2 => setup reactjs, folder structure,components, props, states, styling (concepts convered => Dom? how component works? props, children, state, setState, rendering conditional rendering, conditional styling)
day3 => setup reactjs, more examples, events, bootstrap, simple dashboard project, packages, simple useEffects
day4 => setup reactjs, react router dom, prev examples to create new dashboard;
day4 => Dashboard Project -> bootstrap, ant design
day5 => dash cont... day6 => antd... day7 => question answer...
day 8,9 => hooks advance (useContext, useReducer, UseEffect, )
day10 => postman api server test day11 => ticketing system day21 => nextjs (til day 24 days) day25 => nextJs Project -> LMS / Blogs App / Social App,