In this project, I have implemented a number of practical parts of the theory of languages and aoutomata in C# language
part1 --> convert NFA to DFA
part2 --> DFA simplification
part3 --> Examining admission to the field in FA
part4 --> Perform operations on Regular Language(Star,Concat,Union)
All sections receive the input in the form of a Jason file and the output is also in the form of a Jason file
Input example:
"states": "{'q0','q1','q2','q3','q4'}",
"input_symbols": "{'a','b'}",
"transitions": {
"q0": {
"a": "{'q1'}"
"q1": {
"": "{'q3'}",
"b": "{'q2'}"
"q2": {
"a": "{'q3'}"
"q3": {
"b": "{'q4'}"
"q4": {
"a": "{'q2'}"
"initial_state": "q0",
"final_states": "{'q1','q3'}"