This repository contains the code that analyses the build dependency graph and outputs the files effected by any given commit.
Create the trace.txt file using MAKAO of the software system under consideration. (For more information refer to
Using the script create the trace.gdf file.
In bash use the command: "git log --oneline --name-only --diff-filter=AM --pretty=format:"Commit:%h%nDate:%cd" <revision_range> > enter_file_name_here" to create a text file with the git log in it.
Then in the file input the following arguments:
i. The location of trace.gdf.
ii. The location of the folder to store the results.
iii. The location of the commit log obtained in step 3.
iv. The no. of commits to analyse.
OUTPUT: The program outputs a text file named after the commit ID for each commit analysed. In the text file the commit ID and date are written at the start for identification. This is followed by the token name that was added/modified by the change followed by a sorted list of all the files affected.