Also Follow Our Research at :: Nentropic 0x0 ::
- ML/MLOps
- AI Engineering (Fine Tuning, RAG, LLM Applications
- InfoSec w/ AI
- Beginner Systems Programmer
- Physics
- MetaCognition
- Mathematics
Py/PyTorch, Tranformers, TS/JS, Rust (Beginner)
- Production Ideation/Vision/Planning
- Architecture
- Backend Development
- Cloud Deployment
- 🛑 Not front-end development
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🔭 I’m currently working on: Orion Threat Intelligence [Orion AI Constellation Github]( :: (v0.0.2 POC is in development following successful discovery & research)
🌱 I’m currently learning: ALL THE THINGS... Exploring systems programming through Rust
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on: Tooling for the AI Engineer, High performance compute dabbling... Knowledge Graph Tooling
🤔 I’m looking for help with: *** Systems Programming to Get ahead of multi-model cohorts, Knowledge Graph Generation.
⚡ Fun fact: I really think it smells like UpDog in here.....
[email protected] || Orion Landing Page (Apologies for any broken links)