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VSCollectionViewCellInsetFlowLayout, based on UICollectionViewFlowLayout, enables to add margins on cells


Get Started

Based on the same principle of collectionView(_:layout:insetForSectionAt:), VSCollectionViewCellInsetFlowLayout provides a delegate method to define margins on UICollectionViewCell


Instanciate a VSCollectionViewCellInsetFlowLayout then set it as the layout of the collectionView:

collectionView.collectionViewLayout = VSCollectionViewCellInsetFlowLayout()

VSCollectionViewCellInsetFlowLayout is using the collectionview delegate if this one conforms to VSCollectionViewDelegateCellInsetFlowLayout. Implement collectionView(_:layout:insetForItemAt:):

extension ViewController : VSCollectionViewDelegateCellInsetFlowLayout {
    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, insetForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UIEdgeInsets {
        if indexPath.item == 0 {
            return UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 10, right: 0)

Et voilà !


If flowLayout scrollDirection is vertical:

  • offsets the item vertically, inset.bottom offsets the next item vertically or offsets contentSize if no more cell. All next items and contentSize are also offset vertically by the specified margins.
  • inset.left offset the item horizontally and subtracts the value from the cell width, inset.right updates the width of the cell without offsets its origin. Others cells and contentSize are not impacted by the specified margins.

If flowLayout scrollDirection is horizontal:

  • inset.left offsets the item horizontally, inset.right offsets the next item horizontally or offsets contentSize if no more cell. All next items and contentSize are also offset horizontally by the specified margins.
  • offset the item vertically and subtracts the value from the cell height, inset.bottom updates the height of the item without offsets its origin. Others items and contentSize are not impacted by the specified margins.


Installation with CocoaPods

Copy and paste the following lines to your PodFile file:

source ''
pod 'VSCollectionViewCellInsetFlowLayout'

Manual installation

  • Download the last release of VSCollectionViewCellInsetFlowLayout.
  • Import the folder VSCollectionViewCellInsetFlowLayout into your project.


You may download the project to have a look at the integrated sample.


VSCollectionViewCellInsetFlowLayout is owned and maintained by

VSCollectionViewCellInsetFlowLayout was originally created by Gwenn Guihal.


VSCollectionViewCellInsetFlowLayout is released under the MIT license.