Module for transforming configuration from ESLint to EditorConfig format.
Note that minimum supported version of
You need to install eslint-to-editorconfig
globally if you use npm 5.1 or earlier:
npm install -g eslint-to-editorconfig
cd project
Otherwise you can use npx:
cd project
npx eslint-to-editorconfig
For a complete list of available options run:
eslint-to-editorconfig --help
const transform = require('eslint-to-editorconfig');
// Take ESLint rules
const eslintRules = {
indent: 'error',
'no-trailing-spaces': 'error',
'eol-last': 'error',
'max-len': 'error',
// Transform them into EditorConfig rules
const editorConfigRules = transform(eslintRules);
This library is released under the ISC license.