Releases: smnjameson/S65
Fixed an issue regarding loading the prg on Xemu due to the way it handles memory <$2001
Fixes an issue with the last frame of animation sequences being skipped
Fixed a build issue with missing splash stub files
Animations, animations, animations!
- You can now define Animations and assign them to Sprites!!
- Optimised the sprite clipping to discard sprites that are out of view horizontally
Providing a better example of how the SDcard preloading works, the helloworld.s program in the project root now has an updated make.bat to demonstrate this functionality
SDCard preloading and auto deployment. Import Assets at or above $f000 to create an SDCard folder in the ./bin folder containing the preloader files. Use shift+f8 in conjunction with M65Debugger to deploy those files directly to the mega65 SDcard
Shift+F8 will now deploy any sdcard files to the mega65 SDcard before building the program and running
Shift+F7 with a test file open will build and run that test directly
Introducing the S65 Asset pipeline!
- Easily import all the required files from png65.js and combine palettes from various png inputs as required
- Provides methods to get spriteset and charset information
- Fixed the palette export when using NCM sprite mode in png65.js
- Fixed an issue with loading palettes from SD card not working correctly, now buffers through the S65 SD buffer at $1400-16ff
- Fixed an issue in png65.js where the last sprite in a spritesheet would not have the final 64 byts of padding causing corruption
- Updated System random functions to provide increased entropy
- Fixed an issue with palette assignment for NCM sprites in Sprite_SetSpriteMeta
- Sprite imports working with both NCM and FCM
- Added a png65examples.bat file in the root for reference
- FlipH flag now working on sprites
- NCM flag now working on sprites
- Fixed several clipping issues and auto resolution problems
Updated README
new tests