S65 kick assembler macro toolkit for MEGA65
Full documentation : https://smnjameson.github.io/S65/docs.html
S65 is a Kick Assembler development library for the MEGA65 that provides a simple API into the Raster Rewrite system as well as other useful functionality without the need to create the complex backbone of things like layers and software sprites.
Once you have met the prerequisites below you can install the toolkit by running install.bat from the root of the S65 folder.
By default the framework is setup such that with main.s open if you press F8 it will assemble and start to deploy. If you get an error about connection refused (ECONNREFUSED), its because you dont have M65Debugger open. If you want to change the deploy method you can change the last line in make.bat
node build\m65debugger\client.js ./bin/main.prg
You can replace with whatever you need to including deploying to XEMU mega65 emulator
The image parsing, document generation and debugger deploy script makses extensive use of NodeJS. You can install it from:
Kick Assembler uses Java, so you will need that installed: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/
All of the syntax files and autocomplete functionality is currently for Sublime Text only. You can use other IDEs but you will lack all the syntax highlighting and autocomplete hints. You can install it from:
Keep the install to default locations to ensure the build scripting functions correctly.
You will also require the KickAssembler plugin for sublim, which is installed as follows:
- Using package control: Install Package Control for Sublime and install package Kick Assembler (C64)
If you want to use the deploy method in the make.bat file to send your program to a real MEGA65 or a NExys board you will need the M65Debugger from here. The connection script to launch the programs through the debugger is included by default in the S65 package
While the library itself can be used on operating systems other than Windows, you will at this time have to make your own build file (make.bat) for your OS. Likewise you may run into other issues such as needing to manually install the Sublime Text S65 files. (see below)
The S65 toolkit comes as a setup project ready for you to use. The main.s file in the root of the project is the entry point and you can replace the code in there with your own. The example code is a very basic Hello World application:
//Comment this next line out to get memory report and border debug colors
#define NODEBUG
//Start the S65 library by importing includes/s65/start.s
#import "includes/s65/start.s"
jmp Start
//Safest to define all the data before your code to avoid assembler pass errors
//Generate a text string of 16bit indices
S65_Text16("hello world!")
//Resolution 42x30 chars with scaling
Layer_DefineResolution(42, 30, true)
//stores the current layer count (0)
.const BGLayer = Layer_GetLayerCount()
//define a layer 42 chars wide at X position 0 using FCM
Layer_DefineScreenLayer(42, 0, false)
//Initialize layers with screen ram at $4000
//Black border
lda #$00
sta $d020
//Set the active layer
Layer_Get #BGLayer
//Clear the layer with char $20 in color #$01
Layer_ClearLayer #$0020 : #$01
//Draw a message to screen at 15,10 in color $04
Layer_AddText #15 : #10 : message : #$04
//Call a layer update to set all the layer data
//loop forever
jmp *
//Include this at the end of your code to see a detailed report of the memory consumed