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SM Calculator: open-source multiplatform reentrant (multi-thread support) parser, that implements a math expressions language.


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ReadMe (user documentation) file for the sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool.

In this document user can find necessary info about usage of this tool (sm_calculator - SM Calculator)
and reference of all functionality of this tool.

Features of the SM Calculator:

    - Multi-platform application: there are builds for Windows 64/32 (.zip) and Linux 64/32 (.tar.gz);
    - Various types of values (64 bits integers, 64 bits floats, strings);
    - Various float constants (pi, exp,...);
    - Solving of mathematical expressions, using basic arithmetic operators;
    - Solving of mathematical expressions, using bracket delimiters
        '(' and ')' (in one expression) and delimiters ';', '\n';
    - Solving using suite of mathematical (including trigonometric, logarithm, exponentiation)
    - Solving using bitwise functions and operators;   
    - Various types of entering and output formats of integers (decimal, octal, hexadecimal,
        binary formats);
    - Various values of unit for measuring of angles (radians, degrees, gradians), which are used
        by trigonometric functions;
    - Support of output properties (precision) of float values;
    - Suite of converting functions (various values of unit for measuring of angles, various
        types of entering and output formats of integers);
    - Suite of commands, which provide setup of configuration of SM Calculator;
    - Several modes of execution (processing of files, processing of expressions, obtained via command line,
        processing of expressions in interactive mode, using standard input/output devices);
    - Control/administration the creation/start of the log of the sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool:
        start without log output (command line option: -q, --no_log)
        changing the path of the created/opened log file (command line option: -l, --log_file);
    - Access to the sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool can be included into $PATH (Windows/Linux) and 
        the sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool can be launched from any current directory;
    - Detailed processing of syntax error(s);
    - Restoring of syntax parsing after error(s);
    - Reentrant implementing of the parser, i.e. parser can work in multi-thread mode;
    - Help (command: help[;] or command line option: -h, --help);
SM Calculator supports follow modes of execution:
    - processing of file, that contains expression(s);
    - processing of command line expression(s);
    - interactive mode (user enters expression(s), using standard input device/console).
    User can use same expressions in all these modes (processing of file,
        processing of command line expression(s), interactive mode);

Downloading the SM Calculator binary files:

    Binary files of the sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool can de found here:

Launching of SM Calculator:

SM Calculator binary and sources distributions are deployed in follow archives:
      - x64 binary archive package
      - x86 binary archive package
           - sources archive package.
            sm_calculator-   - x64 binary archive package
            sm_calculator-   - x86 binary archive package
            sm_calculator-      - sources archive package. 
For verification install files and archives, user can use:
    import public key (file:
        gpg --import ./
    or import public key:
        gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys A408B0FCFD774649
    then, verify:
        gpg --verify ./[some_distr_file].asc ./[some_distr_file];

Structure of binary archive (.zip or .tar.gz):

.zip (Windows):

.tar.gz (Linux):



without parameters launches SM Calculator in interactive mode (default mode):

    sm_calc Copyright (c) 2020-2021 SManSoft
    SM Calculator

    Log has been started in the file: C:\sman\bin\sm_calculator\sm_calculator-\log\sm_calc.log

            Interactive processing:
    Type 'help' for more information.
    In  >>

User can run

    sm_calc[.exe] -h
    sm_calc[.exe] --help

to get help output - description of command line parameters:

    sm_calc Copyright (c) 2020-2021 SManSoft
    SM Calculator

    Log has been started in the file: C:\sman\bin\sm_calculator\sm_calculator-\log\sm_calc.log

    USAGE: sm_calc [OPTION]

    -h, --help                                             display this message
    -i, --interactive                                      force the interactive mode
    -l<lfile>, --log_file=<lfile>                          name/path of the log file
                                                                   *{SM_CALC_BIN}* - pseudo-variable, that can be used
                                                                   in the value of name/path of the log file and defines path
                                                                   to the binary directory, where the 'sm_calc' exec is deployed
    -q, --no_log                                           don't create/open the log file and don't start the log output
    -f<infile>, --in_file=<infile>                         name/path of the input file
    -o<ofile>, --out_file=<ofile>                          name/path of the output file
    -x<expression_value>, --expression=<expression_value>  expression, that should be solved
    -p<precision_value>, --f_precision=<precision_value>   floating-point precision (after '.' ): [0-20|exp]
                                                                   by default, precision_value == '10'
                                                                   if 'precision_value' == 'exp' - exponential output will be used
    -n<i_format_value>, --i_format=<i_format_value>        output format of integers: [dec|oct|hex|bin]
                                                                   by default, output format of integers == 'dec'
    -a<unit_value>, --a_unit=<unit_value>                  default unit of measurement of an angle = 'rad|deg|grad'

Using these options user can launch SM Calculator in various modes of execution and tune start values of 
current configuration of SM Calculator (command: config[;]).

Control/administration the creation/start of the log:
After launching, the sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool creates log file:
, where *{SM_CALC_BIN}* is a path (including /bin/), where sm_calc exec is deployed,


    Message from console output:
        Log has been started in the file: C:\sman\bin\sm_calculator\sm_calculator-\log\sm_calc.log


    Message from console output:
        Log has been started in the file: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-
By default path of log file doesn't depend on current directory, but, path, where sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool 
has been deployed.
The sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool supports command line options:
    -l<lfile>, --log_file=<lfile>                          name/path of the log file
                                                                   *{SM_CALC_BIN}* - pseudo-variable, that can be used
                                                                   in the value of name/path of the log file and defines path
                                                                   to the binary directory, where the 'sm_calc' exec is deployed
    -q, --no_log                                           don't create/open the log file and don't start the log output

Using these options, user can provide control/administration of log creation/start.
If log hasn't been created/started, message "Log has been started in the file: ..." isn't outputted.

User can use as absolute, as relative paths as 'lfile' value ( -l<lfile>, --log_file=<lfile>).


    starting without log output
    sm_calc -q
    sm_calc Copyright (c) 2020-2021 SManSoft
    SM Calculator

            Interactive processing:
    Type 'help' for more information.
    In  >>
    if user use -q option, log will bot be started, even user defined option ( -l<lfile>, --log_file=<lfile>).
    if current directory is: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-
    , sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool has been deployed: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-
        sm_calc --log_file="./sm_calc.log"
        Log has been started in the file: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-

    if current directory is: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-
    , sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool has been deployed: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-
        sm_calc --log_file="./sm_calc.log"
        Log has been started in the file: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-

    if current directory is: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-
    , sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool has been deployed: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-
        ./sm_calc --log_file="/home/sman/sm_calc.log"
        Log has been started in the file: /home/sman/sm_calc.log
    if current directory is: C:\sman\bin\sm_calculator\sm_calculator-\bin
     , sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool has been deployed: C:\sman\bin\sm_calculator\sm_calculator-\
        sm_calc.exe --log_file="e:\sman\sm_calc.log"
        Log has been started in the file: e:\sman\sm_calc.log

    if current directory is: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-
    , sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool has been deployed: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-
        ./sm_calc --log_file="/tmp/sm_calc_log/sm_calc.log"
        Log has been started in the file: /tmp/sm_calc_log/sm_calc.log

Also sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool supports pseudo-variable '*{SM_CALC_BIN}*', that can be used in command line:

    if current directory is: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-
    , sm_calculator (SM Calculator) tool has been deployed: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-
        ./sm_calc --log_file="*{SM_CALC_BIN}*/../log/sm_calc.log"
        Log has been started in the file: /home/sman/sm_calc.log

    Log has been started in the file: /home/sman/bin/sm_calculator/sm_calculator-

Lexemes of SM Calculator expressions:

Available keywords:

    f_precision     i_format        a_unit
    pi              exp             gamma           phi 
    rad             deg             grad
    grad2rad        rad2grad
    rad2deg         deg2rad
    grad2deg        deg2grad
    dec             oct             hex             bin
    dec2oct         dec2hex         dec2bin
    oct2dec         hex2dec         bin2dec
    sin             cos             tan
    asin            acos            atan
    ln              lg              log
    inv             sqrt            rand
    pow_exp^        pow_10^         pow_2^          pow_^2
    abs             mod             mod2
    and             or              not
    nand            nor             xor
    config          help            echo
    quit            exit

Available operators:

    +       -       *       /       =       !
    <a<     >a>     <l<     >l>     <c<     >c>    

Available delimiters:

    ,       (       )       ;       \n (new line)
Commands (from available keywords):

    f_precision     i_format        a_unit
    dec             oct             hex             bin
    rad             deg             grad
    config          help
    quit            exit

Constants (from available keywords):

    pi              exp             gamma           phi

Output functions:


Converting functions (from available keywords):

    grad2rad        rad2grad
    rad2deg         deg2rad
    grad2deg        deg2grad
    dec2oct         dec2hex         dec2bin
    oct2dec         hex2dec         bin2dec    

Trigonometric functions (from available keywords):

    sin             cos             tan
    asin            acos            atan
Logarithm functions (from available keywords):
    ln              lg              log

Exponentiation functions:

    pow_exp^        pow_10^         pow_2^          pow_^2

Bit functions (from available keywords):

    and             or              not
    nand            nor             xor

Bit operators (from available operators):

    <a<             >a>
    <l<             >l>
    <c<             >c> 

Base syntax of commands:

    In  >> rand
    Out >> 0.5796685690;

    In  >> rand;
    Out >> 0.2712790307;

    In  >> config;
    Out >> Current Configuration :
    Current double precision          : 10;
    Current output format of integers : dec;
    Unit of measurement of an angle   : rad;

    In  >>
    In  >>
    In  >> i_format;
    Out >> dec;

    In  >>
    In  >> i_format=hex;
    Out >> hex;    

Base syntax of functions:

    function (arg1[,arg2])[;]

    In  >> sin(0);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> sin(3.14)
    Out >> 0.0015926529;

    In  >> sin(3.14/2.0);
    Out >> 0.9999996829;

    In  >>
    In  >> asin(sin(3.14/2.0))
    Out >> 1.5700000000;

    In  >> asin(sin(3.14));
    Out >> 0.0015926536;

    In  >> pow(4,2)
    Out >> 16.0000000000;

    In  >> pow(4.0,2.0);
    Out >> 16.0000000000;    

Base syntax of operators:

    arg1 operator arg1[;]
    operator arg[;]

Operator assign ('=') can be used only in commands (f_precision, i_format, a_unit) (see below).

    In  >> 10 + 7;
    Out >> 17;

    In  >> 10 * 7;
    Out >> 70;

    In  >> 10/2;
    Out >> 5.0000000000;

    In  >> 10-2;
    Out >> 8;

    In  >> 10 <a< 1;
    Out >> 20;

    In  >> 10 <a< 2;
    Out >> 40;

    In  >> 20 >a> 1;
    Out >> 10;    

Interactive mode (user enters expression(s), using console)

In this mode user should enter expressions, using standard console input:

    In  >> (30+20+2)*(11/2*(12-(12+22+(3*4)+56/2+(11/2+(2+3)+34)*exp)*8)*PI)
    Out >> -1390608.9689932067;

    In  >> sin(pi/2)+cos(pi/2);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> sin(-pi/2)+cos(pi/2);
    Out >> -1.0000000000;    

    In  >> pow_^2(sin(pi/2))+pow_^2(cos(pi/2));
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> deg2rad(90);
    Out >> 1.5707963268;

    In  >> deg2rad(180);
    Out >> 3.1415926536;

    In  >> pi
    Out >> 3.1415926536;

    In  >> exp;
    Out >> 2.7182818285;

    In  >> sin(0); sin(pi/2); sin(pi);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;1.0000000000;0.0000000000;

Every equation (in interactive mode) should be finished using ';' and <Enter>
or just <Enter> (without ';'):
    In  >> (20+20)*(2+2)*(45+3*(12-2)/3);
    Out >> 8800.0000000000;
    In  >> sin(pi/2)+cos(pi/2);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> (((((0.01+0.02)*10)*10)*10)*(pi*exp)*10)
    Out >> 2561.9202668021;

    In  >> (30+20+2)*(11/2*(12-(12+22+(3*4)+56/2+(11/2+(2+3)+34)*exp)*8)*PI)
    Out >> -1390608.9689932067;

Every input can contain several equations, separated by ';' and last equation should 
be finished using ';' and <Enter> or just <Enter> (without ';'):

    In  >> -1.0*2;-1.+.1;.1/2;
    Out >> -2.0000000000;-0.9000000000;0.0500000000;

    In  >> sin(pi/4); cos(pi/4);
    Out >> 0.7071067812;0.7071067812;

    In  >> asin(sin(pi/4));acos(cos(pi/4))
    Out >> 0.7853981634;0.7853981634;

Processing of file, that contains expression(s)

In this mode SM Calculator provides processing of input file (that contains set of equations),
defined by command line options:
    -f(--in_file)   - name/path of input file;
    -o(--out_file)  - name/path of output file;
User can define only name/path of input file (without output file). In this case
input equations will be read from input file and results will be outputted in
standard output mode (console). Equations in input files can be separated by ';'
and '\n' (new line) or just '\n' (new line) (without ';').

Processing of command line expression(s)

In this mode equation(s) for processing can be defined by command line options:
    -x(--expression)    - equation(s) for processing;
In this mode SM Calculator provides processing of one or several equations, separated by ';'.
Last equation should be finished using ';' or can be finished without ';':


    In  >> (30+20+2)*(-11/2*(-12-(12+22+(-3*-4)+56/-2+(11/-2+(2+3)+34)*-exp)*-8)*-PI);(((((0.01+0.02)*10)*10)*10)*(pi*exp)*10);
    Out >> -535952.1428411616;2561.9202668021;

    --expression="11*2; (0.1+.02+.003)*(1e-5+2.e-4+3e-3)*(345.123/34.12+(-4*(1.2-4.1999999999/(1.2+0.8)))-11.0-2+1)"

    In  >> 11*2; (0.1+.02+.003)*(1e-5+2.e-4+3e-3)*(345.123/34.12+(-4*(1.2-4.1999999999/(1.2+0.8)))-11.0-2+1);
    Out >> 22;0.0006771242;

Using several modes together:

User can use several modes, if defined necessary options in command line:

    sm_calc --out_file=sm_calc_test.out.01.txt --expression="1+2;2*999999;-1" --interactive 

            Files processing:
    in file =
    out file = sm_calc_test.out.01.txt

            Command line processing:
    In  >> 1+2;2*999999;-1;
    Out >> 3;1999998;-1;

            Interactive processing:
    Type 'help' for more information.
    In  >>

If user uses --in_file (--out_file) and --expression options and if user doesn't define --interactive option,
only processing of file and processing of command line expression(s) are provided:

    sm_calc --out_file=sm_calc_test.out.01.txt --expression="1+2;2*999999;-1"

        Files processing:
    in file =
    out file = sm_calc_test.out.01.txt

        Command line processing:
    In  >> 1+2;2*999999;-1;
    Out >> 3;1999998;-1;    
If user launches sm_calc without options - interactive mode (user enters expression(s), using console)
is provided by default;

Types of values:

    - Integer data (long long type - 64 bits);
    - Float data (long double type - 64 bits);
    - Strings (max length of string 1021 ASCII symbols);

Integer data:

Length of Integer data - 64 bits (including sign), i.e.
    max integer value == 2^63-1;
    min integer value == -(2^63-1);
Integer value can be entered and output in follow formats:
    - decimal ('dec');
    - octal ('oct');
    - hexadecimal ('hex');
    - binary ('bin');
Output format of integer value can be defined by command:

    i_format = <dec|hex|oct|bin>[;]

After applying of this command output of all integers is provided in defined format.

    In  >> i_format = dec;
    Out >> dec;

    In  >> 100
    Out >> 100;

    In  >> -100
    Out >> -100;

    In  >> i_format = hex;
    Out >> hex;

    In  >> 100
    Out >> 0x64;

    In  >> -100
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffff9c;

    In  >>
    In  >> i_format = oct;
    Out >> oct;

    In  >>
    In  >> 100
    Out >> 0144;

    In  >> -100
    Out >> 01777777777777777777634;

    In  >>
    In  >>
    In  >> i_format = bin;
    Out >> bin;

    In  >>
    In  >> 100
    Out >> b01100100;

    In  >> -100
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110011100;    

Also user can use shorter way for defining of output format of integer value, using commands:


    In  >> dec;
    Out >> dec;

    In  >> 100
    Out >> 100;

    In  >> -100
    Out >> -100;

    In  >> hex;
    Out >> hex;

    In  >> 100;
    Out >> 0x64;

    In  >> -100;
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffff9c;

    In  >> oct;
    Out >> oct;

    In  >> 100;
    Out >> 0144;

    In  >> -100;
    Out >> 01777777777777777777634;

    In  >> bin;
    Out >> bin;

    In  >> 100;
    Out >> b01100100;

    In  >> -100
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110011100;

Input format of integer is defined by follow rules:
    - if user enters integer value in octal format, he should use as least one lead '0' symbol 
        (for example: '0712377', '-0712377');
    - if user enters integer value in hexadecimal format, he should use as lead '0x' symbols
        (for example: '0x394ff', '0xfffffffffffc6b01');
    - if user enters integer value in binary format, he should use as lead 'b' symbol
        (for example: 
    - if user enters integer value in decimal format, he shouldn't use any additional symbols
        (for example: '129077', '-129077');

User should take into account, that size of integer value is 64 bits (including sign), during
entering value in various formats;


    In  >> dec;
    Out >> dec;

    In  >> 01       :   octal value
    Out >> 1;       :   output in decimal format

    In  >> 02       :   octal value
    Out >> 2;       :   output in decimal format

    In  >> 07       :   octal value
    Out >> 7;       :   output in decimal format

    In  >> 08       :   here is an error, as 8 isn't octal digit:
    Out >> Error: syntax error:
            current buffer : 08
            current error lexem: 8
            length of the current error lexem: 1

    In  >> -07      :   octal value
    Out >> -7;      :   output in decimal format

    In  >> -08      :   here is error, as 8 isn't octal value:
    Out >> Error: syntax error:
            current buffer : -08
            current error lexem: 8
            length of the current error lexem: 1

    In  >> 0712377  :   octal value
    Out >> 234751;  :   output in decimal format

    In  >> 0712377; :   octal value
    Out >> 234751;  :   output in decimal format

    In  >> hex
    Out >> hex;

    In  >> 0712377; :   octal value
    Out >> 0x394ff; :   output in hexadecimal format

    In  >> bin;
    Out >> bin;

    In  >> 0712377;     :   octal value
    Out >> b00111001010011111111;   :   output in binary format

    In  >> -0712377;    :   octal value
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111000110101100000001;    
                        :   output in binary format
    In  >> 01777777777777777065401; :   octal value
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111000110101100000001;                    
                        :   output in binary format
    In  >> dec;
    Out >> dec;

    In  >> 0xf416d;             :   hexadecimal value
    Out >> 999789;              :   output in decimal format

    In  >> 01777777777777777065401;
    Out >> -234751;    

    In  >> hex
    Out >> hex;

    In  >> -999789;             :   decimal value
    Out >> 0xfffffffffff0be93;  :   output in hexadecimal format

    In  >> dec;
    Out >> dec;

    In  >> -0xf416d;            :   hexadecimal value
    Out >> -999789;             :   output in decimal format

    In  >> 0xfffffffffff0be93;  :   hexadecimal value
    Out >> -999789;             :   output in decimal format

    In  >> b00111001010011111111;   :   binary format
    Out >> 234751;                  :   output in decimal format

    In  >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111000110101100000001;
                                    :   binary format
    Out >> -234751;                 :   output in decimal format

    In  >> i_format = hex;
    Out >> hex;

    In  >> b00111001010011111111;   :   binary format
    Out >> 0x394ff;                 :   output in hexadecimal format

    In  >> i_format = oct;
    Out >> oct;

    In  >> b00111001010011111111;   :   binary format
    Out >> 0712377;                 :   output in octal format

    In  >> -98119                   :   decimal format
    Out >> 01777777777777777500271; :   output in octal format

    In  >> dec
    Out >> dec;

    In  >> 01777777777777777500271; :   octal format
    Out >> -98119;                  :   output in decimal format
    In  >> -0x394ff;                :   hexadecimal value
    Out >> -234751;                 :   output in decimal format

    In  >> 0xfffffffffffc6b01;      :   hexadecimal value
    Out >> -234751;                 :   output in decimal format

User can enter negative values (in octal and hexadecimal) using as sign '-'
as two's complement format (also see examples above):

    -0712377 (oct) or 01777777777777777065401 (oct) == -234751 (dec) 
    -0x394ff (hex) or 0xfffffffffffc6b01 (hex)  == -234751 (dec)

If user need to get current output format of integer values, he needs to use command: 


For Examples:

    In  >> i_format;
    Out >> dec;                 :   current output format is decimal 

    In  >> i_format = hex;      :   setup current output format as hexadecimal
    Out >> hex;                 :   current output format is hexadecimal

    In  >> i_format;
    Out >> hex;                 :   current output format is hexadecimal

    In  >> 0777777;             :   octal format
    Out >> 0x3ffff;             :   output in hexadecimal format

SM Calculator supports suite of functions, which provide converting of various formats
of integer values, whatever defined current output format of integer values:
    dec2oct         dec2hex         dec2bin
    oct2dec         hex2dec         bin2dec.

Float data (long double - 64 bits):

Output format of float values always defined in decimal format. User can tune precision of
float value output, using command:

    f_precision = N[;]

, where N = [0,20]|exp, i.e. maximum precision of output of float value is '20'. 
Also N can be defined as 'exp'. In this case float value will be printed in exponential format.


    In  >> f_precision = 5;
    Out >> 5;               :   current precision of float is 5 digits (after floating point)

    In  >> exp
    Out >> 2.71828;

    In  >> pi
    Out >> 3.14159;

    In  >> f_precision = 10;
    Out >> 10;              :   current precision of float is 10 digits (after floating point)

    In  >> exp;
    Out >> 2.7182818285;

    In  >> pi;
    Out >> 3.1415926536;

    In  >>
    In  >> f_precision = 15;
    Out >> 15;              :   current precision of float is 15 digits (after floating point)
    In  >> exp;
    Out >> 2.718281828459045;

    In  >> pi;
    Out >> 3.141592653589793;

    In  >> f_precision = 20;
    Out >> 20;              :   current precision of float is 20 digits (after floating point)

    In  >> exp;
    Out >> 2.71828182845904509080;

    In  >> pi;
    Out >> 3.14159265358979311600;

    In  >> f_precision = exp;
    Out >> exp;             :   exponential format current precision of float is 20 digits (after floating point)

    In  >> exp
    Out >> 2.718282e+00;

    In  >> pi
    Out >> 3.141593e+00;

Input format of float values always defined in decimal format. User can enter values as in floating form format as in 
exponential format.


    In  >> f_precision = 10;
    Out >> 10;                  :   current precision of float is 10 digits (after floating point)

    In  >> 999.777777777777     :   floating point format
    Out >> 999.7777777778;

    In  >> -78.12222222222;     :   floating point format
    Out >> -78.1222222222;

    In  >> .12345678912345      :   floating point format
    Out >> 0.1234567891;

    In  >> .1                   :   floating point format
    Out >> 0.1000000000;

    In  >> 1.                   :   floating point format
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> -1.0                 :   floating point format
    Out >> -1.0000000000;

    In  >> 999.1e-2         :   exponential format
    Out >> 9.9910000000;

    In  >> 999.1e2          :   exponential format
    Out >> 99910.0000000000;

    In  >> 999.1e-10        :   exponential format
    Out >> 0.0000000999;

    In  >> -999.11e-2       :   exponential format
    Out >> -9.9911000000;
If user need to get current output current precision of float, he needs to use command:


    In  >> f_precision;
    Out >> 10;

    In  >> f_precision=exp;
    Out >> exp;

    In  >> f_precision;
    Out >> exp;    


User should enter string value, using follow format:

        "string_value" | 'string_value'.

Max length of string - 1023 ASCII symbols with quotes(' or ")
or 1021 ASCII symbols without quotes(' or ").

String values aren't used during calculations, but could be used for formatting
of outputs in file processing, using function echo:

    In  >> echo("config ------------------------------------------");
    Out >> config ------------------------------------------;

    In  >> "config ------------------------------------------";
    Out >> config ------------------------------------------;

Default angle unit configuration:

SM calculator supports some suite of trigonometrical functions:

    sin     cos     tan
    asin    acos    atan.

Also SM calculator supports follow units for measuring of angles:

    radians ('rad')

SM Calculator contains current configuration of unit for measuring of angles. This parameter defines,
which unit for measuring of angles will be used by trigonometric functions, i.e.
if  current configuration of unit for measuring of angles is radians, user should use radians as parameters
of trigonometric functions: sin(3.1415926536) or sin(pi), cos(1.5707963268) or cos(pi/2.0),
if current configuration of unit for measuring of angles is degrees, user should use degrees as parameters 
of  trigonometric functions: sin(180.0), cos(90),
same issue with usage of gradians.

Current configuration of unit for measuring of angles can be defined by follow command:


Also use can setup current configuration of unit for measuring of angles, just using follow commands:


    In  >> a_unit=rad;    : current unit for measuring of angles is radians
    Out >> rad;

    In  >> sin(pi);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> sin(pi/2);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> cos(pi/2);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> cos(pi/4);
    Out >> 0.7071067812;

    In  >> a_unit=deg;    : current unit for measuring of angles is degrees
    Out >> deg;

    In  >> sin(180)
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> sin(180.0)
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> sin(90.0)
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> cos(90.0);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> cos(180/4);
    Out >> 0.7071067812;

    In  >> a_unit=grad;    : current unit for measuring of angles is gradians (200 grads == 180 degrees)
    Out >> grad;

    In  >> cos(200);
    Out >> -1.0000000000;

    In  >> sin(200);
    Out >> -0.0000000000;

    In  >> sin(200/2);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> sin(200/4);
    Out >> 0.7071067812;

    In  >> cos(200/4);
    Out >> 0.7071067812;

    In  >> rad;            : current unit for measuring of angles is radians
    Out >> rad;

    In  >> sin(pi);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> deg;            : current unit for measuring of angles is degrees
    Out >> deg;

    In  >> sin(180);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> grad;        : current unit for measuring of angles is gradians (200 grads == 180 degrees)
    Out >> grad;

    In  >> sin(200);
    Out >> -0.0000000000;

User can get current configuration of unit for measuring of angles using command:



    In  >> rad;
    Out >> rad;

    In  >> a_unit;
    Out >> rad;

    In  >> deg;
    Out >> deg;

    In  >> a_unit;
    Out >> deg;

SM Calculator supports suite of functions, which provide converting of various unit for measuring of angles,
whatever defined current configuration of unit for measuring:

    grad2rad        rad2grad
    rad2deg         deg2rad
    grad2deg        deg2grad.

Current configuration:

User always can get current configuration, using command:


    In  >> config;
    Out >> Current Configuration :
    Current double precision          : EXPONENTIAL;
    Current output format of integers : dec;
    Unit of measurement of an angle   : rad;

    In  >> f_precision=10
    Out >> 10;

    In  >> config;
    Out >> Current Configuration :
    Current double precision          : 10;
    Current output format of integers : dec;
    Unit of measurement of an angle   : rad;    


SM Calculator supports follow float (64 bits) constants:

Constants return float values. They can be used in expressions as arguments of functions and operators.


    In  >> pi;
    Out >> 3.1415926536;

    In  >> exp;
    Out >> 2.7182818285;

    In  >> gamma;
    Out >> 0.5772156649;

    In  >> phi;
    Out >> 1.6180339887;

    In  >> sin(pi);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> cos(pi);
    Out >> -1.0000000000;

    In  >> tan(pi);
    Out >> -0.0000000000;

    In  >> sin(pi/2.0);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> pow(exp,10);
    Out >> 22026.4657948067;

    In  >>  pow_^2(sin(pi/4.0));
    Out >> 0.5000000000;

    In  >>  pow_^2(sin(pi/5.0));
    Out >> 0.3454915028;

    In  >>  pow_^2(sin(pi/5.0)) + pow_^2(sin(pi/5.0));
    Out >> 0.6909830056;

    In  >>  pow_^2(sin(pi/5.0)) + pow_^2(cos(pi/5.0));
    Out >> 1.0000000000;


User can find here suite of files which contain suite examples of usage of operators, functions, commands,
constants, various types of data:
examples of expressions:

results of execution of expressions:


Constants Reference:
    'pi' :
Constant returns float value 3.14159265358979323846.

    'exp' :
Constant returns float value 2.71828182845904523536.

    'gamma' :
Constant returns float value 0.57721566490153286060.

    'phi' :
Constant returns float value 1.61803398874989484820.    


    In  >> f_precision=15;
    Out >> 15;

    In  >> pi;
    Out >> 3.141592653589793;

    In  >> exp;
    Out >> 2.718281828459045;

    In  >> gamma;
    Out >> 0.577215664901533;

    In  >> phi;
    Out >> 1.618033988749895;

    In  >> (pi+exp+gamma)*phi;
    Out >> 10.415430646412755;

    In  >> sin(pi);
    Out >> 0.000000000000000;

    In  >> cos(pi);
    Out >> -1.000000000000000;

Operators Reference:

    '+' :
Operator, that returns sum of arguments:
    arg1 + arg2[;]

, where arg1 and arg2 - integer or float value.


    In  >> 1+1;
    Out >> 2;

    In  >> 2 + 2;
    Out >> 4;

    In  >> 0.2 + 2;
    Out >> 2.2000000000;

    In  >> 2 + .3;
    Out >> 2.3000000000;

    In  >> pi + exp;
    Out >> 5.8598744820;

    '-' :
Operator, that returns subtraction of arguments:

    arg1 - arg2[;]

, where arg1 and arg2 - integer or float value.


    In  >> pi - exp;
    Out >> 0.4233108251;

    In  >> 2-2;
    Out >> 0;

    In  >> 567.1 - 192.05;
    Out >> 375.0500000000;

    In  >> 2 - 192.05;
    Out >> -190.0500000000;

    In  >> 22.3 - 1;
    Out >> 21.3000000000;

    '*' :
Operator, that returns multiplication of arguments:

    arg1 * arg2[;]

, where arg1 and arg2 - integer or float value.


    In  >> pi*exp;
    Out >> 8.5397342227;

    In  >> 12*.1;
    Out >> 1.2000000000;

    In  >> 12.1*2;
    Out >> 24.2000000000;

    In  >> 2*2;
    Out >> 4;

    '/' :
Operator, that returns division of arguments:

    arg1 / arg2[;]

, where arg1 and arg2 - integer or float value. arg2 should be != 0.


    In  >> pi/exp;
    Out >> 1.1557273498;

    In  >> 12/.1;
    Out >> 120.0000000000;

    In  >> .1/2;
    Out >> 0.0500000000;

    In  >> 4/2;
    Out >> 2.0000000000;

   '=' :
Assign values by commands f_precision, a_unit, i_format:



    In  >> f_precision=10;
    Out >> 10;

    In  >> a_unit=rad;
    Out >> rad;

    In  >> i_format=dec;
    Out >> dec;

    '!' :
Operator, that returns factorial of argument:


, where arg - integer value. arg should be >= 0.


    In  >> 3!
    Out >> 6;

    In  >> 5!
    Out >> 120;

    In  >> 11+(5!-2!);
    Out >> 129;

    In  >> 10*(5!-2!);
    Out >> 1180;
    <a< :
Operator, that returns left arithmetic shift of argument:

    arg <a< n[;]
, where arg - integer argument, n - number bits of shift. n should be >= 0.


    In  >> bin;
    Out >> bin;

    In  >> 0xffff;
    Out >> b1111111111111111;

    In  >> 0xffff <a< 1;
    Out >> b00011111111111111110;

    In  >> 0xffff <a< 2;
    Out >> b00111111111111111100;

    In  >> 0xffff <a< 4;
    Out >> b11111111111111110000;

    >a> :
Operator, that returns right arithmetic shift of argument:

    arg >a> n[;]
, where arg - integer argument, n - number bits of shift. n should be >= 0.
This operator ('>a>') saves sign of negative value during shift.


    In  >> 0xffff;
    Out >> b1111111111111111;

    In  >> 0xffff >a> 1;
    Out >> b0111111111111111;

    In  >> 0xffff >a> 2;
    Out >> b0011111111111111;

    In  >> 0xffff >a> 4;
    Out >> b111111111111;

    In  >> -0xffff;
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000001;
    In  >> -0xffff >a> 1;
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000;    

    In  >> -0xffff >a> 2;
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100000000000000;
    In  >> -0xffff >a> 4;
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000;

    <l< :
Operator, that returns left logical shift of argument:

    arg <l< n[;]

, where arg - integer argument, n - number bits of shift. n should be >= 0.


    In  >> 0xffff;
    Out >> b1111111111111111;

    In  >> 0xffff <l< 1;
    Out >> b00011111111111111110;

    In  >> 0xffff <a< 2;
    Out >> b00111111111111111100;

    In  >> 0xffff <l< 2;
    Out >> b00111111111111111100;

    In  >> 0xffff <l< 4;
    Out >> b11111111111111110000;

    >l> :

Operator, that returns right logical shift of argument:

    arg >l> n[;]

, where arg - integer argument, n - number bits of shift. n should be >= 0.
This operator ('>l>') doesn't save sign of negative value during shift.


    In  >> 0xffff >l> 1;
    Out >> b0111111111111111;

    In  >> 0xffff >l> 2;
    Out >> b0011111111111111;

    In  >> 0xffff >l> 4;
    Out >> b111111111111;

    In  >> -0xffff;
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000001;
    In  >> -0xffff >l> 1;
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000;    

    In  >> -0xffff >l> 2;
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100000000000000;

    In  >> -0xffff >l> 4;
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100000000000;

    <c< :
Operator, that returns left circular shift of argument:

    arg <c< n[;]

, where arg - integer argument, n - number bits of shift. n should be >= 0.


    In  >> bin
    Out >> bin;

    In  >> b1001001;
    Out >> b01001001;

    In  >> b1001001 <c< 1;
    Out >> b10010010;

    In  >> b1001001 <c< 2;
    Out >> b000100100100;

    In  >> b1001001 <c< 4;
    Out >> b010010010000;

    In  >> 0xffff000000000000 <c< 1;
    Out >> b1111111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001;

    In  >> 0xffff000000000000 <c< 2;
    Out >> b1111111111111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011;

    In  >> 0xffff000000000000 <c< 3;
    Out >> b1111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111;

    In  >> 0xffff000000000000 <c< 4;
    Out >> b1111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111;
    >c> :
Operator, that returns right circular shift of argument:

    arg >c> n[;]

, where arg - integer argument, n - number bits of shift. n should be >= 0.


    In  >> b1001001 >c> 1;
    Out >> b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100100;

    In  >> b1001001 >c> 2;
    Out >> b0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010010;

    In  >> b1001001 >c> 4;
    Out >> b1001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100;

    In  >>
    In  >> 0x0fff00000000ffff >c> 1;
    Out >> b1000011111111111100000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111;

    In  >> 0x0fff00000000ffff >c> 2;
    Out >> b1100001111111111110000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111;

    In  >> 0x0fff00000000ffff >c> 4;
    Out >> b1111000011111111111100000000000000000000000000000000111111111111;

Functions Reference:

    grad2rad :
Function, that returns converted value gradians -> radians
(from gradians unit for measuring of angles to radians).


, where arg - integer or float argument.

    rad2grad :
Function, that returns converted value radians -> gradians
(from radians unit for measuring of angles to gradians).


, where arg - integer or float argument.

    rad2deg :
Function, that returns converted value radians -> degrees
(from radians unit for measuring of angles to degrees).


, where arg - integer or float argument.

    deg2rad :
Function, that returns converted value degrees -> radians
(from degrees unit for measuring of angles to radians).

, where arg - integer or float argument.

    grad2deg :
Function, that returns converted value gradians -> degrees
(from gradians unit for measuring of angles to degrees).


, where arg - integer or float argument.

    deg2grad :
Function, that returns converted value degrees -> gradians
(from degrees unit for measuring of angles to gradians).


, where arg - integer or float argument.


    In  >> rad2deg(pi);
    Out >> 180.0000000000;

    In  >> rad2deg(pi/2);
    Out >> 90.0000000000;

    In  >> rad2deg(pi/4);
    Out >> 45.0000000000;

    In  >> deg2rad(180);
    Out >> 3.1415926536;

    In  >> deg2rad(90.);
    Out >> 1.5707963268;

    In  >> deg2grad(180);
    Out >> 200.0000000000;

    In  >> deg2grad(90);
    Out >> 100.0000000000;

    In  >> grad2deg(100);
    Out >> 90.0000000000;

    In  >> grad2deg(200);
    Out >> 180.0000000000;

    In  >> grad2rad(200.);
    Out >> 3.1415926536;

    In  >>
    In  >> grad2rad(100.);
    Out >> 1.5707963268;

    In  >>
    In  >> rad2grad(pi);
    Out >> 200.0000000000;

    In  >> rad2grad(pi/2);
    Out >> 100.0000000000;

    dec2oct :
Function, that returns converted value decimal ('dec') format -> octal ('oct') format.  


, where arg - integer argument.

    dec2hex :
Function, that returns converted value decimal ('dec') format -> hexadecimal ('hex') format.  


, where arg - integer argument.

    dec2bin :
Function, that returns converted value decimal ('dec') format -> binary ('bin') format.  


, where arg - integer argument.

    oct2dec :
Function, that returns converted value octal ('oct') format -> decimal ('dec') format.  


, where arg - integer argument.

    hex2dec :
Function, that returns converted value hexadecimal ('hex') format -> decimal ('dec') format.  


, where arg - integer argument.

    bin2dec :
Function, that returns converted value hexadecimal ('bin') format -> decimal ('dec') format.  


, where arg - integer argument.


    In  >> dec2oct(1024);
    Out >> 02000;

    In  >> oct2dec(02000);
    Out >> 1024;
    In  >> dec2oct(-1024);
    Out >> 01777777777777777776000;

    In  >> oct2dec(01777777777777777776000);
    Out >> -1024;    
    In  >> dec2hex(1024);
    Out >> 0x400;

    In  >> hex2dec(0x400);
    Out >> 1024;

    In  >> dec2hex(-1024);
    Out >> 0xfffffffffffffc00;

    In  >> hex2dec(0xfffffffffffffc00);
    Out >> -1024;

    In  >> dec2bin(1024);
    Out >> b010000000000;

    In  >> bin2dec(b010000000000);
    Out >> 1024;

    In  >> dec2bin(-1024);
    Out >> b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110000000000;

    In  >> bin2dec(b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110000000000);
    Out >> -1024;

    sin :
Trigonometric function, that calculates and returns the sine of argument.  


, where arg - integer or float argument. Argument should be defined as value of
current unit for measuring of angles (deg|rad|grad).

    cos :
Trigonometric function, that calculates and returns the cosine of argument.  


, where arg - integer or float argument. Argument should be defined as value of
current unit for measuring of angles (deg|rad|grad).

    tan :
Trigonometric function, that calculates and returns the tangent of argument.  


, where arg - integer or float argument. Argument should be defined as value of
current unit for measuring of angles (deg|rad|grad).

    asin :
Trigonometric function, that calculates and returns the arcsine of argument.  


, where arg - integer or float argument. Result of this function is defined as value of
current unit for measuring of angles (deg|rad|grad).

    acos :
Trigonometric function, that calculates and returns the arccosine of argument.  


, where arg - integer or float argument. Result of this function is defined as value of
current unit for measuring of angles (deg|rad|grad).

    atan :
Trigonometric function, that calculates and returns the arctangent of argument.  

, where arg - integer or float argument. Result of this function is defined as value of
current unit for measuring of angles (deg|rad|grad).


    In  >> rad;
    Out >> rad;

    In  >> sin(pi); cos(pi); tan(pi);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;-1.0000000000;-0.0000000000;

    In  >> deg;
    Out >> deg;

    In  >> sin(180); cos(180); tan(180);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;-1.0000000000;-0.0000000000;

    In  >> grad;
    Out >> grad;

    In  >> sin(200); cos(200); tan(200);
    Out >> -0.0000000000;-1.0000000000;0.0000000000;

    In  >> rad;
    Out >> rad;

    In  >> asin(0.5);
    Out >> 0.5235987756;

    In  >> acos(0.5);
    Out >> 1.0471975512;

    In  >> atan(0.5);
    Out >> 0.4636476090;

    In  >> deg;
    Out >> deg;

    In  >> asin(0.5);
    Out >> 30.0000000000;

    In  >> acos(0.5);
    Out >> 60.0000000000;

    In  >> atan(0.5);
    Out >> 26.5650511771;

    In  >> atan(0.5);
    Out >> 26.5650511771;

    In  >> grad;
    Out >> grad;

    In  >> asin(0.5);
    Out >> 33.3333333333;

    In  >> acos(0.5);
    Out >> 66.6666666667;

    In  >> atan(0.5);
    Out >> 29.5167235301;

    ln :
Function, that calculates and returns the natural logarithm (base of the exp) of argument.  


, where arg - integer or float argument. arg should be > 0.

    lg :
Function, that calculates and returns the common logarithm (base of the 10) of argument.  

, where arg - integer or float argument. arg should be > 0.

    log :
Function, that calculates and returns the logarithm (base, defied as parameter) of argument.  

    log(base, arg)[;]

, where base and arg - integer or float arguments. base should be > 0, arg should be > 0.


    In  >> ln(exp);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> ln(1);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;
    In  >> ln(1.);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;    

    In  >> lg(10);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> lg(1);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> log(2.0, 2);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> log(2.0, 4);
    Out >> 2.0000000000;

    In  >> log(0.1, 4);
    Out >> -0.6020599913;
    inv :
Function, that calculates and returns inverse value (1/x) of argument.


, where arg - integer or float argument. arg should be != 0.


    In  >> inv(-1)
    Out >> -1.0000000000;

    In  >> inv(-2)
    Out >> -0.5000000000;

    In  >> inv(2.5)
    Out >> 0.4000000000;

    In  >> inv(0xfffff)
    Out >> 0.0000009537;

    In  >> inv(.001);
    Out >> 1000.0000000000;

    sqrt :
Function, that calculates and returns inverse square root of argument.  


, where arg - integer or float argument. arg should be >= 0.


    In  >> sqrt(4);
    Out >> 2.0000000000;

    In  >> sqrt(4.0);
    Out >> 2.0000000000;

    In  >> sqrt(16.0);
    Out >> 4.0000000000;

    In  >> sqrt(144);
    Out >> 12.0000000000;

    pow :
Function, that calculates and returns arg1 raised to the power of arg2.

    pow(arg1, arg2)[;]

, where arg1 and arg2 - integer or float arguments.

    pow_exp^ :
Function, that calculates and returns constant 'exp' raised to the power of arg.


, where arg - integer or float argument.

    pow_10^ :
Function, that calculates and returns '10' raised to the power of arg.


, where arg - integer or float argument. arg should be >= 0.

    pow_2^ :
Function, that calculates and returns '2' raised to the power of arg.


, where arg - integer or float argument. arg should be >= 0.

    pow_^2 :
Function, that calculates and returns arg raised to the power of '2'.


, where arg - integer or float argument.    


    In  >> dec;
    Out >> dec;

    In  >> pow(10.,2.0);
    Out >> 100.000000000000000;

    In  >> pow(100, 4);
    Out >> 100000000.000000000000000;

    In  >> pow(100, 0.5);
    Out >> 10.000000000000000;

    In  >> pow(100, -0.5);
    Out >> 0.100000000000000;

    In  >> pow(exp, 2);
    Out >> 7.389056098930650;

    In  >> pow_exp^(2.);
    Out >> 7.389056098930650;

    In  >> pow_10^(4);
    Out >> 10000;

    In  >> pow_2^(10);
    Out >> 1024;

    In  >> bin;
    Out >> bin;

    In  >> pow_2^(10);
    Out >> b010000000000;

    In  >> 0xffff;
    Out >> b1111111111111111;

    In  >> pow_^2(0xffff);
    Out >> b11111111111111100000000000000001;

    In  >> 0xff;
    Out >> b11111111;

    In  >> pow_^2(0xff);
    Out >> b1111111000000001;
    abs :
Function, that calculates and returns absolute value of argument.


, where arg - integer or float argument.  


    In  >> abs(10.);
    Out >> 10.000000000000000;

    In  >> abs(-10.);
    Out >> 10.000000000000000;

    In  >> abs(100);
    Out >> 100;

    In  >> abs(-100);
    Out >> 100;

    mod :
Function, that calculates and returns remainder value of division arg1 / arg2 (often marked as arg1 % arg2).

    mod(arg1, arg2)[;]

, where arg1, arg2 - integer arguments. arg2 should be != 0.

    mod2 :
Function, that calculates and returns remainder value of division arg / 2 (often marked as arg % 2).

, where arg - integer argument.


    In  >> mod(5,2);
    Out >> 1;

    In  >> mod(5,11);
    Out >> 5;

    In  >> mod(111,11);
    Out >> 1;

    In  >> mod(111,2);
    Out >> 1;

    In  >> mod2(111);
    Out >> 1;

    In  >> mod(17,5);
    Out >> 2;

    In  >> mod2(17);
    Out >> 1;

    In  >> mod(17,-5);
    Out >> 2;

    In  >> mod(-17,-5);
    Out >> 2;

    In  >> mod(-17,5);
    Out >> 2;

    In  >> mod(-17,5);
    Out >> 2;

    and :
Function (bitwise function), that calculates bitwise multiplication of arguments ( arg1 && arg2 ).

    and(arg1, arg2)[;]

, where arg1 and arg2 - integer arguments.


    In  >> hex;
    Out >> hex;

    In  >> and(0x0,0x0);
    Out >> 0x0;

    In  >> and(0x0,0xffff);
    Out >> 0x0;

    In  >> and(0xf0f0,0xffff);
    Out >> 0xf0f0;

    In  >> and(0xf0f0,0x1111);
    Out >> 0x1010;

    In  >> and(-0xf0f0,0x1111);
    Out >> 0x110;
    In  >> -0xf0f0;
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0f10;

    In  >> -0x1111;
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffeeef;

    In  >> and(-0xf0f0,-0x1111);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0e00;

    In  >> and(0xffffffffffff0f10,0xffffffffffffeeef);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0e00;

    or :
Function (bitwise function), that calculates bitwise addition of arguments ( arg1 || arg2 ).

    or(arg1, arg2)[;]

, where arg1 and arg2 - integer arguments.


    In  >> hex;
    Out >> hex;
    In  >> or(0x0,0x0);
    Out >> 0x0;

    In  >> or(0x0,0xffff);
    Out >> 0xffff;

    In  >> or(0xf0f0,0xffff);
    Out >> 0xffff;

    In  >> or(0xf0f0,0x1111);
    Out >> 0xf1f1;
    In  >> -0xf0f0;
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0f10;

    In  >> -0x1111;
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffeeef;

    In  >> or(-0xf0f0,-0x1111);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffefff;

    In  >> or(0xffffffffffff0f10,0xffffffffffffeeef);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffefff;

    not :
Function (bitwise function), that calculates bitwise negation of argument ( !arg ).


, where arg - integer argument.


    In  >> hex;
    Out >> hex;

    In  >> not(0x0);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffffff;

    In  >> not(0xffff);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0000;
    In  >> -0xffff;
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0001;

    In  >> not(-0xffff);
    Out >> 0xfffe;

    In  >> not(0xffffffffffff0001);
    Out >> 0xfffe;

    nand :
Function (bitwise function), that calculates bitwise negation of bitwise multiplication of arguments ( !(arg1 && arg2) ).

    nand(arg1, arg2)[;]

, where arg1 and arg2 - integer arguments.


    In  >> hex;
    Out >> hex;

    In  >> nand(0x0,0x0);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffffff;

    In  >> nand(0x0,0xffff)
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffffff;

    In  >> nand(0xf0f0,0xffff);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0f0f;

    In  >> nand(0xf0f0,0x1111);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffefef;

    In  >> nand(-0xf0f0,0x1111);
    Out >> 0xfffffffffffffeef;
    In  >> -0xf0f0;
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0f10;

    In  >> -0x1111;
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffeeef;    

    In  >> nand(-0xf0f0,-0x1111);
    Out >> 0xf1ff;

    In  >> nand(0xffffffffffff0f10,0xffffffffffffeeef);
    Out >> 0xf1ff;

    nor :
Function (bitwise function), that calculates bitwise negation of bitwise addition of arguments ( !(arg1 || arg2) ).

    nor(arg1, arg2)[;]

, where arg1 and arg2 - integer arguments.


    In  >> nor(0x0,0x0);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffffff;

    In  >> nor(0x0,0xffff);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0000;

    In  >> nor(0xf0f0,0xffff);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0000;

    In  >> nor(0xf0f0,0x1111);
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0e0e;
    In  >> -0xf0f0;
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0f10;

    In  >> -0x1111;
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffeeef;

    In  >> nor(-0xf0f0,-0x1111);
    Out >> 0x1000;

    In  >> nor(0xffffffffffff0f10,0xffffffffffffeeef);
    Out >> 0x1000;

    xor :
Function (bitwise function), that calculates bitwise 'exclusive or' or 'exclusive disjunction' of arguments ( arg1 ^ arg2) ).

    xor(arg1, arg2)[;]

, where arg1 and arg2 - integer arguments.


    In  >> xor(0x0,0x0);
    Out >> 0x0;

    In  >> xor(0x0,0xffff);
    Out >> 0xffff;

    In  >> xor(0xf0f0,0xffff);
    Out >> 0xf0f;

    In  >> xor(0xf0f0,0x1111);
    Out >> 0xe1e1;
    In  >> -0xf0f0;
    Out >> 0xffffffffffff0f10;

    In  >> -0x1111;
    Out >> 0xffffffffffffeeef;    

    In  >> xor(-0xf0f0,-0x1111);
    Out >> 0xe1ff;

    In  >> xor(0xffffffffffff0f10,0xffffffffffffeeef);
    Out >> 0xe1ff;
    echo :
Function prints argument in current output file device.


, where arg - string argument ("string_value"|'string_value'). 
User can just enter string and this string will be printed in current output file device.
This function(ality) is useful during processing of files and allows to get formatted output.


    In  >> echo('Some Message');
    Out >> Some Message;

    In  >>
    In  >> echo("hex: ------------------------");
    Out >> hex: ------------------------;

    In  >>
    In  >> "hex: ------------------------";
    Out >> hex: ------------------------;

Commands Reference:

    rand :
Command, that returns pseudo-random value [0,1].  


    In  >> rand;
    Out >> 0.5270241401;

    In  >> rand;
    Out >> 0.3335978271;

    In  >> rand;
    Out >> 0.5471663564;

    In  >> rand;
    Out >> 0.1388897366;

    In  >> rand;
    Out >> 0.7693411054;

    In  >> rand;
    Out >> 0.8521378216;

    In  >> rand;
    Out >> 0.6088137455;

    f_precision :
Command, that setup and returns current precision of float values.

    f_precision = N[;]

, where N = [0,20]|exp. Also N can be defined as 'exp'. In this case float value will be printed in exponential format.


    In  >> f_precision=0;
    Out >> 0;

    In  >> pi;
    Out >> 3;

    In  >> f_precision=5;
    Out >> 5;

    In  >> pi;
    Out >> 3.14159;

    In  >> f_precision=10;
    Out >> 10;

    In  >> pi;
    Out >> 3.1415926536;

    In  >> f_precision=15;
    Out >> 15;

    In  >> pi;
    Out >> 3.141592653589793;

    In  >> f_precision=20;
    Out >> 20;

    In  >> pi;
    Out >> 3.14159265358979311600;

    In  >> f_precision;
    Out >> 20;

    In  >> f_precision=10;
    Out >> 10;

    In  >> f_precision;
    Out >> 10;

    i_format :
Command, that setup and returns current output format of integers.

    i_format = <dec|hex|oct|bin>[;]
After applying of this command output of all integers is provided in defined format
(decimal 'dec', octal 'oct', hexadecimal 'hex', binary 'bin').

    dec :
Command, that setup and returns current output format of integers as decimal ('dec').


After applying of this command output of all integers is provided in decimal 'dec' format.
The command 'dec[;]' does the same as 'i_format=dec[;]'.

    oct :
Command, that setup and returns current output format of integers as octal ('oct').


After applying of this command output of all integers is provided in octal 'oct' format.
This command 'oct[;]' does the same as 'i_format=oct[;]'.

    hex :
Command, that setup and returns current output format of integers as hexadecimal ('hex').


After applying of this command output of all integers is provided in hexadecimal 'hex' format.
The command 'hex[;]' does the same as 'i_format=hex[;]'.

    bin :
Command, that setup and returns current output format of integers as binary ('bin').


After applying of this command output of all integers is provided in binary 'bin' format.
The command 'bin[;]' does the same as 'i_format=bin[;]'.


    In  >> i_format=dec;
    Out >> dec;

    In  >> 100;
    Out >> 100;

    In  >> 1024*1024;
    Out >> 1048576;

    In  >> dec;
    Out >> dec;

    In  >> i_format;
    Out >> dec;

    In  >> 1024*1024;
    Out >> 1048576;

    In  >> i_format=oct;
    Out >> oct;

    In  >> 100;
    Out >> 0144;

    In  >> 1024*1024;
    Out >> 04000000;

    In  >> oct;
    Out >> oct;

    In  >> i_format;
    Out >> oct;

    In  >> 1024*1024;
    Out >> 04000000;

    In  >> i_format=hex;
    Out >> hex;

    In  >> 100;
    Out >> 0x64;

    In  >> 1024*1024;
    Out >> 0x100000;

    In  >> hex;
    Out >> hex;

    In  >> i_format;
    Out >> hex;

    In  >> 1024*1024;
    Out >> 0x100000;

    In  >> i_format=bin;
    Out >> bin;

    In  >> 100;
    Out >> b01100100;

    In  >> 1024*1024;
    Out >> b000100000000000000000000;

    In  >> bin;
    Out >> bin;

    In  >> i_format;
    Out >> bin;

    In  >> 1024*1024;
    Out >> b000100000000000000000000;

    In  >> dec;
    Out >> dec;

    In  >> 1024*1024;
    Out >> 1048576;

    a_unit :
Command, that setup and returns current configuration of unit for measuring of angles.

Current configuration of unit for measuring of angles defines, which unit of measuring should be used by arguments
of trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan) and which unit of measuring of execution result of 
trigonometric functions (asin, acos, atan).

    deg :
Command, that returns and setup current configuration of unit for measuring of angles as degrees ('deg').


The command 'deg[;]' does the same as 'a_unit=deg[;]'.

    rad :
Command, that returns and setup current configuration of unit for measuring of angles as radians ('deg').


The command 'rad[;]' does the same as 'a_unit=rad[;]'.

    grad :
Command, that returns and setup current configuration of unit for measuring of angles as gradians ('grad').

The command 'grad[;]' does the same as 'a_unit=grad[;]'.


    In  >> a_unit=rad;
    Out >> rad;

    In  >> sin(pi/2);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> cos(pi/2);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> rad;
    Out >> rad;

    In  >> a_unit;
    Out >> rad;

    In  >> sin(pi/2.0);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> a_unit=deg;
    Out >> deg;

    In  >> sin(90.0);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> cos(90.0);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> a_unit;
    Out >> deg;

    In  >> deg;
    Out >> deg;

    In  >> a_unit;
    Out >> deg;

    In  >> cos(90.0);
    Out >> 0.0000000000;

    In  >> a_unit=grad;
    Out >> grad;

    In  >> sin(100.0);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> cos(100.0);
    Out >> -0.0000000000;

    In  >> a_unit;
    Out >> grad;

    In  >> grad;
    Out >> grad;

    In  >> sin(100.0);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    In  >> deg;
    Out >> deg;

    In  >> a_unit;
    Out >> deg;

    In  >> sin(90.0);
    Out >> 1.0000000000;

    config :
Command returns current configuration (current double precision, current output format of integers,
unit of measurement of an angle):



    In  >> config;
    Out >> Current Configuration :
    Current double precision          : 10;
    Current output format of integers : dec;
    Unit of measurement of an angle   : deg;

    In  >> f_precision=15;
    Out >> 15;

    In  >> i_format=hex;
    Out >> hex;

    In  >> rad;
    Out >> rad;

    In  >> config;
    Out >> Current Configuration :
    Current double precision          : 15;
    Current output format of integers : hex;
    Unit of measurement of an angle   : rad;

    help :
Command prints help, reading file: 
"*{SM_CALC_BIN}*\..\share\smansoft\doc\HELP" on Windows platform;
"*{SM_CALC_BIN}*/../share/smansoft/doc/HELP" on Linux platform,

where *{SM_CALC_BIN}* is a path (including /bin/), where sm_calc exec is deployed.


As help is a multi-page document, user should press <Enter> key for printing all help from start till end.

    quit :
Command provides closing/exit of SM Calculator application.


The command 'quit[;]' does the same as 'exit[;]'.


    In  >> quit;
    Out >> Exit. Good Bye!

    exit :
Command provides closing/exit of SM Calculator application.


The command 'exit[;]' does the same as 'quit[;]'.


    In  >> exit;
    Out >> Exit. Good Bye!

    Copyright (C) 2020-2021 SManSoft <>
                        Sergey Manoylo <[email protected]>


SM Calculator: open-source multiplatform reentrant (multi-thread support) parser, that implements a math expressions language.







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