Display your latest Untappd feed in Emacs.
A melpa package is available for untappd.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/smallwat3r/untappd.el.git
And add the untappd.el
directory to your load-path
(add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/untappd.el")
(require 'untappd)
You must have a client_id
and a client_secret
from Untappd in order to generate an access_token
that you can use to authenticate to the Untappd API. You can find the instructions in this documentation.
You can then provide it as a value to untappd-access-token
in your Emacs configuration:
(setq untappd-access-token "<access-token>")
I highly suggest securing your token using the Emacs auth-source library or any other alternative.
As an example here is what I use on my Doom Emacs set-up:
(use-package! untappd
:commands (untappd-feed)
:config (setq untappd-access-token
(auth-source-pass-get 'secret "untappd/token")))
Run M-x untappd-feed
, it will open a new buffer showing your latest Untappd feed.