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2024 Day17 Part1 Solved
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smabuk committed Dec 17, 2024
1 parent 6053c26 commit 58d0974
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Showing 3 changed files with 357 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Data/2024_17.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Register A: 63687530
Register B: 0
Register C: 0

Program: 2,4,1,3,7,5,0,3,1,5,4,1,5,5,3,0
287 changes: 287 additions & 0 deletions Solutions/2024/Day17.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
namespace AdventOfCode.Solutions._2024;

/// <summary>
/// Day 17: Chronospatial Computer
/// </summary>
[Description("Chronospatial Computer")]
public static partial class Day17 {

private static List<Instruction> _instructions = [];
private static List<int> _program = [];
private static int[] _registers = [];
private static Action<string[], bool>? _visualise = null;

public static void LoadInstructions(string[] input, Action<string[], bool>? visualise = null)
_registers = [.. input[..REG_END_LINE].Select(i => i[12..].As<int>())];

_program = [.. input[PROGRAM_LINE][9..].AsInts()];
_instructions = [.. input[PROGRAM_LINE][9..].AsInts().Chunk(2).Select(i => $"{i[0]} {i[1]}".As<Instruction>())];
//_operands = [.. input[PROGRAM_LINE][9..].AsInts().Chunk(2).Select(i => i[1])];

_visualise = visualise;

public static string Part1(string[] _)
int[] registers = [.. _registers];

string result = _instructions.ExecuteCodePart1(registers);

VisualiseResult(registers, result);

return result;

static void VisualiseResult(int[] registers, string result)
Visualise([], ""); Visualise([], "");
registers.Visualise($"Result: {result}");
Visualise([], "");

public static string Part2(string[] input, params object[]? args) => NO_SOLUTION_WRITTEN_MESSAGE;

public static string ExecuteCodePart1(this List<Instruction> instructions, int[] registers)
List<int> outputValues = [];

for (int instPtr = 0; instPtr < instructions.Count; instPtr++) {
Instruction instruction = instructions[instPtr];
ComboOperand operand = instruction.Operand;

registers = instruction.Evaluate(registers);

switch (instruction) {
case AdvInstruction:
case BdvInstruction:
case BxlInstruction:
case BstInstruction:
case CdvInstruction:
case OutInstruction:
int value = operand.Value(registers) % 8;

Visualise([], "");
registers.Visualise($"Output: {(char)(operand.Number < 4 ? operand.Number + '0' : (operand.Number - 4 + 'A'))} => {value}");
Visualise([], "");
case JnzInstruction:
int regAValue = REG_A.GetReg(registers);
registers.Visualise($"Jump {operand.Number}: {regAValue} => {(regAValue != 0 ? instructions[operand.Number] : instPtr)}");

instPtr = regAValue != 0
? operand.Number - 1
: instPtr;

return string.Join(",", outputValues);

public static int GetReg(this string valueOrReg, int[] registers)
return Char.IsLetter(valueOrReg[0])
? registers[valueOrReg.RegIndex()]
: valueOrReg.As<int>();

public static int[] SetReg(this int[] registers, string reg, int value)
registers[reg.RegIndex()] = value;
return registers;

public static int RegIndex(this string registerName) => registerName[0] - REG_OFFSET;

private static void Visualise(this int[] registers, string value)
if (_visualise is null) {

string registersString = registers is [] ? "" : $" -- Registers: A= {registers[0],8} B={registers[1],8} C={registers[2],8}";
string[] output = ["", $"{value,-34} {registersString}"];
_visualise?.Invoke(output, false);

public record ComboOperand(int Number)
public int Value(int[] registers) => Number switch
0 => Number,
1 => Number,
2 => Number,
3 => Number,
4 => REG_A.GetReg(registers),
5 => REG_B.GetReg(registers),
6 => REG_C.GetReg(registers),
_ => throw new NotImplementedException(),

public abstract record Instruction(ComboOperand Operand) : IParsable<Instruction>
public abstract int[] Evaluate(int[] registers);

public int OpCode => this switch
AdvInstruction => 0,
BxlInstruction => 1,
BstInstruction => 2,
JnzInstruction => 3,
BxcInstruction => 4,
OutInstruction => 5,
BdvInstruction => 6,
CdvInstruction => 7,
_ => throw new NotImplementedException(),

public static Instruction Create(int opCode, int operand) => Parse($"{opCode} {operand}");

public static Instruction Parse(string s, IFormatProvider? provider)
string[] tokens = s.TrimmedSplit(SPACE);
ComboOperand operand = new(tokens[1].As<int>());

return tokens[0] switch
"0" => new AdvInstruction(operand),
"1" => new BxlInstruction(operand),
"2" => new BstInstruction(operand),
"3" => new JnzInstruction(operand),
"4" => new BxcInstruction(operand),
"5" => new OutInstruction(operand),
"6" => new BdvInstruction(operand),
"7" => new CdvInstruction(operand),
_ => throw new NotImplementedException(),

public static Instruction Parse(string s) => Parse(s, null);
public static bool TryParse([NotNullWhen(true)] string? s, IFormatProvider? provider, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out Instruction result)
=> ISimpleParsable<Instruction>.TryParse(s, provider, out result);

private record AdvInstruction(ComboOperand Operand) : Instruction(Operand)
public override int[] Evaluate(int[] registers) {
int numerator = REG_A.GetReg(registers);
int value = Operand.Value(registers);
string debug = $"ADV {value}: {numerator} / {(int)Math.Pow(2, value)}";

registers = registers.SetReg(REG_A, numerator / (int)Math.Pow(2, value));

registers.Visualise($"{debug} = {REG_A.GetReg(registers)}");
return registers;

private record BdvInstruction(ComboOperand Operand) : Instruction(Operand)
public override int[] Evaluate(int[] registers)
int numerator = REG_A.GetReg(registers);
int value = Operand.Value(registers);
string debug = $"BDV {value}: {numerator} / {(int)Math.Pow(2, value)}";

registers = registers.SetReg(REG_B, numerator / (int)Math.Pow(2, value));

registers.Visualise($"{debug} = {REG_B.GetReg(registers)}");
return registers;

private record CdvInstruction(ComboOperand Operand) : Instruction(Operand)
public override int[] Evaluate(int[] registers)
int numerator = REG_A.GetReg(registers);
int value = Operand.Value(registers);
string debug = $"CDV {value}: {numerator} / {(int)Math.Pow(2, value)}";

registers = registers.SetReg(REG_C, numerator / (int)Math.Pow(2, value));

registers.Visualise($"{debug} = {REG_C.GetReg(registers)}");
return registers;

private record BxlInstruction(ComboOperand Operand) : Instruction(Operand)
public override int[] Evaluate(int[] registers)
int regBValue = REG_B.GetReg(registers);
string debug = $"BXL {Operand.Number}: {regBValue} XOR {Operand.Number}";
registers = registers.SetReg(REG_B, regBValue ^ Operand.Number);

registers.Visualise($"{debug} = {REG_B.GetReg(registers)}");
return registers;

private record BstInstruction(ComboOperand Operand) : Instruction(Operand)
public override int[] Evaluate(int[] registers)
int operandValue = Operand.Value(registers);
string debug = $"BST {Operand.Number}: {operandValue} % 8";

registers = registers.SetReg(REG_B, operandValue % 8);

registers.Visualise($"{debug} = {REG_B.GetReg(registers)}");
return registers;

private record BxcInstruction(ComboOperand Operand) : Instruction(Operand)
public override int[] Evaluate(int[] registers)
string debug = $"BXC : {REG_B.GetReg(registers)} XOR {REG_C.GetReg(registers)}";

registers = registers.SetReg(REG_B, REG_B.GetReg(registers) ^ REG_C.GetReg(registers));

registers.Visualise($"{debug} = {REG_B.GetReg(registers)}");
return registers;

private record JnzInstruction(ComboOperand Operand) : Instruction(Operand)
public override int[] Evaluate(int[] registers) => registers;

private record OutInstruction(ComboOperand Operand) : Instruction(Operand)
public override int[] Evaluate(int[] registers) => registers;

private const int REG_OFFSET = 'A';
private const string REG_A = "A";
private const string REG_B = "B";
private const string REG_C = "C";

private const int REG_END_LINE = 3;
private const int PROGRAM_LINE = 4;
private const char SPACE = ' ';

65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions Tests/2024/Tests_17.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
namespace AdventOfCode.Tests.Year2024;

public class Tests_17_Chronospatial_Computer(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper)
const int DAY = 17;

Register A: 0
Register B: 0
Register C: 9
Program: 2,6
""", "")] // Reg B 1
Register A: 0
Register B: 29
Register C: 0
Program: 1,7
""", "")] // Reg B = 26
Register A: 0
Register B: 2024
Register C: 43690
Program: 4,0
""", "")] // Reg B = 44354
Register A: 10
Register B: 0
Register C: 0
Program: 5,0,5,1,5,4
""", "0,1,2")]
Register A: 2024
Register B: 0
Register C: 0
Program: 0,1,5,4,3,0
""", "4,2,5,6,7,7,7,7,3,1,0")]
Register A: 729
Register B: 0
Register C: 0
Program: 0,1,5,4,3,0
""", "4,6,3,5,6,3,5,2,1,0")]
public void Part1(string input, string expected)
string actual = SolutionRouter.SolveProblem(YEAR, DAY, PART1, input, new Action<string[], bool>(Callback));

private void Callback(string[] lines, bool _)
if (lines is null or []) {

testOutputHelper.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines));


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