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Sly_tom_cat edited this page Apr 25, 2020 · 22 revisions

How to report an issue with the indicator?

  1. Stop/kill the Indicator (pkill yd-tools).
  2. Run in terminal yandex-disk-indicator -l10
  3. Repeat the sequence for the problem reproduction.
  4. Collect the debugging information from terminal into a file or clipboard.
  5. Create new issue on Github.
  6. Describe the problem in details: what do you do, what is happen, what do You expect to happen. Please, don't use the short descriptions like 'it doesn't start' or 'it doesn't work', provide more details.
  7. Provide the environment description (Distribution name and version, Machine architecture: 32 or 64 bit, Desktop Environment: Unity/KDE/XFCE/...)
  8. Attach the log file or paste the logging into the issue.
  9. Confirm issue.

Why the Indicator starts but icon doesn't appear?

The Indicator shows its icon through the Application Indicators mechanism and this mechanism is provided by different tools in different Desktop Environments (DE). Some modern Desktop Environments (DE) even doesn't provide this mechanism by default. It also important to distinguish the Application indicators and System Tray. Some Apps can show its icon through the both mechanisms. But this Indicator works only as Application indicator.

Below you can find links to some issues that contains solutions for some such cases.

  • GNOME 3.36 : #218
  • elementary OS 5.0 Juno : #214

Is there any command line opions for start the Indicator?

Yes. You can see all posible option by running yandex-disk-indicator --help [-l {10,20,30,40,50}] [-c path] [-r path] [-h] [-v]

  -l {10,20,30,40,50}, --log {10,20,30,40,50}
                    Sets the logging level: 
                     10 - to show all messages (DEBUG), 
                     20 - to show all messages except debugging messages (INFO),
                     30 - to show all messages except debugging and info messages (WARNING),
                     40 - to show only error and critical messages (ERROR),
                     50 - to show critical messages only (CRITICAL). 
                    Default: 30
  -c path, --config path
                    Path to configuration file of YandexDisk daemon.Daemon
                    This daemon will be added to daemons list if it is
                    not in the current configuration. Default: ''
  -r path, --remove path
                    Path to configuration file of daemon that should be
                    removed from daemos list. Default: ''

  -h, --help        Show this help message and exit
  -v, --version     Print version and exit

Can the Indicator handle several user accounts for yandex.disk?

Yes, the Indicator can handle several demons (they are shown as separate icons in toolbar).

--config key allows to add new daemon by specifying the daemon configuration file. You may configure the new daemon (with new user account, folder, config and id path) in console via yandex-disk token command, or you can specify a new config file path to indicator and indicator suggests you to configure a new daemon via the GUI configuration utility (you have to provide user name/password and auth-file location). Note that when you are going to add new daemon to indicator, you have to exit from existing indicator and then restart it with --config key. After that indicator will show additional icon in toolbar. Icons and their menus looks like independent but they are handled by one process.

Is there any way to say thanks to the author

Yes. See details here