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Revert "Bump jekyll-avatar, activesupport, kramdown, jekyll-feed, jekyll-redirect-from, jekyll-sitemap, jemoji, github-pages, mdl, mechanize, minima and rubycritic" #5403

Revert "Bump jekyll-avatar, activesupport, kramdown, jekyll-feed, jekyll-redirect-from, jekyll-sitemap, jemoji, github-pages, mdl, mechanize, minima and rubycritic"

Revert "Bump jekyll-avatar, activesupport, kramdown, jekyll-feed, jekyll-redirect-from, jekyll-sitemap, jemoji, github-pages, mdl, mechanize, minima and rubycritic" #5403

The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.