Releases: slsdetectorgroup/slsDetectorPackage
Bug Fix Release 6.1.1
Resolved Issues
Detector Server
1. [Jungfrau] Cannot start
Under some circumstances and not always reproducible, the detector
cannot start once it has stopped. Fixed by adding a delay between the
stop pulse and the resetting core to give sufficient time to readout and
stream out the on.
Introduced from release 6.0.0.
Minor Release 6.1.0
New or Changed Features
1. Kernel version
Commandline: kernelversion, API: getKernelVersion
2. [Jungfrau][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Gotthard][Moench][Ctb]
Update Kernel
Commandline: updatekernel, API: updatekernel
You could damage the detector. Please use with caution.
3. Update Detector Server (no tftp)
Commandline: updatedetectorserver, API: updateDetectorServer
Updates the detector server without using tftp. It also creates a
symbolic link to a shorter name and reboots. The API using tftp
(copydetectorserver) is deprecated.
4. Update Firmware and Server (no tftp)
Commandline: update (fewer arguments), API: updateFirmwareAndServer
(overloaded) Same as before, except the server is transferred to the
detector without tftp. The previous API and command (fewer arguments)
using tftp is deprecated.
5. Update mode in Detector server
Commandline: udpatemode, API set/getUpdateMode
One can set detector server to update mode (especially if server and
firmware are incompatible that the server cannot start up without errors).
This mode will limit access to a few operations only needed to update the
detector. Setting it will create an empty file (udpate.txt) and resetting
it will delete the empty file. Ofcourse, command line "--update" will
overwrite any file detection and start server in update mode.
Detector Server
1. [Gotthard2] speed
Ensuring dbitpipeline is default when changing speed. This has an effect
only if dbitpipeline was changed in between.
Resolved Issues
Detector Server
1. [Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb] Programming Firmware Failures
Firmware programming via software failures are fixed using a new kernel
and corresponding changes in server software. Software works with both
old and new kernels.
2. [Gotthard2][Mythen3]
Verifies kernel version at server start up.
3. [Jungfrau]
Verifies HW2.0 before trying to set read n rows or flip rows.
Has no effect when not using slsReceiver.
4. [Eiger]
Thresholdnotb command loads threshold energy without trimbits, but had
a bug in the server that was setting nchip to 0 and further trimval or
trim commands would no work reliably. This is fixed now.
1. Receiver Id in the commands in config files were ignored. Fixed.
2. Execute command now also mentions which module failed.
3. [Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb]
Programming firmware procedure did not delete temporary file created in
6.0.0. Fixed.
1. Setting receiver hostname to "none" threw an exception. Fixed.
2. [Jungfrau]
Since the server verifies HW2.0 for number of rows before trying to set it,
the receiver now does not show incorrect missing packets stemming from this
Major Release 6.0.0
- Added License. Read COPYING for more details.
- Shared libraries versioned from this release on (6.0.0)
- Change in some API names
- [Jungfrau] Features for chipv1.1 incorporated
- Chip version
- Chip configuration
- Settings and gain mode
- Storage cells
- Filter resistor
- Filter cell
- Comparator disable time
- Current source
- [Jungfrau] Read n rows added
- [Eiger] Modified to readnrows command
- Added Default dac
- Added Reset dacs
- [Mythen3] Added Gain Capacitance
- [Gotthard2] AddedVeto streaming from chip
- [Gotthard2[ Modified Veto streaming from detector
- [Gotthard2] Added Veto algorithm
- [Eiger][Gotthard2][Mythen3] Added Module ID
- [Gotthard2] Added DBIT pipeline
- [Eiger][Jungfrau] Added Round Robin commands
- Modified Command Line Parsing for round robin, but backwards compatible
- Added Clear Udp Destination
- Changed Shared Memory Naming
- [Eiger][Mythen3] Added Blocking trigger
- [Eiger] Added Data stream enable for ports
- Removed Changing TCP ports after
- [Eiger][Jungfrau][Gotthard2] Modified Speed command
- [Eiger][Jungfrau] Modified to Flip rows command
- [Jungfrau] Modifed auto_comp_disable command
- Gotthard2] Bad Channels moved to a new register
- [Gotthard2] default settings including clock frequency changed
- [Gotthard2] Updated config file in detector server
- [Virtual servers] Artifical pixel values increasing by every packet, instead of every pixel.
- [Receiver] Frames caught in metadata
- [Receiver] Removed Padding option for Deactivated half modules.
- [Gui] [Mythen3] counters added in settings tab
- [Gotthard2] Tolerance in time parameters resolved
- [Jungfrau] Stopping in trigger mode and then switching to auto timing mode
- [Jungfrau][CTB][Moench][Gotthard][Gotthard2][Mythen3] Firmware Programming validations
- [Eiger] Stop sends last frame
- [Eiger] Bottom not rotated in quad mode fixed
- [Mythen3] counter mask effect on vthreshold
- [Eiger] fast quad fix for loading trimbits
- [Eiger] Can also use copydetectorserver command.
- copydetectorserver command also creates a link to the binary copied
- [Receiver] Disabled port or deactivated (half) modules will not create files.
Minor Release 5.1.0
Setting pattern from memory (#218)
ToString accepts c-style arrays
fixed patwait time bug in validation
Introduced pattern class
compile for servers too
Python binding for Pattern
added scanParameters in Python
slsReceiver: avoid potential memory leak around Implementation::generalData
additional constructors for scanPrameters in python
bugfix: avoid potentital memory leak in receiver if called outside constructor context
added scanParameters in Python
additional constructors for scanPrameters in python
M3defaultpattern (#227)
default pattern for m3 and moench including Python bindings
M3settings (#228)
some changes to compile on RH7 and in the server to load the default chip status register at startup
Updated mythen3DeectorServer_developer executable with correct initialization at startup
Pattern.h as a public header files (#229)
fixed buffer overflow but caused by using global instead of local enum
replacing out of range trimbits with edge values
replacing dac values that are out of range after interpolation
updated pybind11 to 2.6.2
Mythen3 improved synchronization (#231)
Disabling scans for multi module Mythen3, since there is no feedback of the detectors being ready
startDetector first starts the slaves then the master
acquire firs calls startDetector for the slaves then acquire on the master
getMaster to read back from hardware which one is master
New server for JF to go with the new FW (#232)
Modified Jungfrau speed settings for HW1.0 - FW fix version 1.1.1, compilation date 210218
Corrected bug. DBIT clk phase is implemented in both HW version 1.0 and 2.0. Previous version did not update the DBIT phase shift on the configuration of a speed.
fix for m3 scan with single module
m3 fw version
m3 server
bugfix for bottom when setting quad
new strategy for finding zmq based on cppzmq
Co-authored-by: Dhanya Thattil [email protected]
Co-authored-by: Dhanya Thattil [email protected]
Co-authored-by: Alejandro Homs Puron [email protected]
Co-authored-by: Anna Bergamaschi [email protected]
Co-authored-by: Xiaoqiang Wang [email protected]
Co-authored-by: lopez_c [email protected]
Co-authored-by: Samuel Debionne [email protected]
Bug Fix Release: 5.0.1
- Python bindings
- CMake improvements
Major Release: 5.0.0
- Compilation requirements
- Manuals
- Client API complete change
- Exceptions
- Scan mode (dacs and trimbit)
- Timing commands
- Enum list (daclist, dacvalues, settingslist, drlist etc.)
- Command line (return code)
- Command line (dac)
- UDP configuration change
- Gappixels
- Detector Simulators
- (Jungfrau server) settings and default dacs
- (Servers) Shared Memory
- (Jungfrau) two interfaces
- (Eiger, Jungfrau server) starting frame number
- (Eiger server) Server Config File
- (Eiger server) Partial Readout
- (Eiger server) Removed Features
- (Eiger server) Deactivation
- Zmq interface (ZmqSocket.h)
- slsReceiver (Metadata)
- slsReceiver (Shared Memory)
- slsReceiver (UDP IP)
- (Eiger Custom Receiver) Header packet
- Gui (zmq high water mark)
- (Eiger Server) Blocked server
- (Eiger Firmware) Extra 8 byte Packets
Minor Release: 4.2.0
- (Eiger) Additional status: Transmitting
- (Eiger) Default vcal dac value
- (Eiger) Default readout mode
- (Eiger) Dynamic range change effect on clock divider
- (Eiger) Deactivate a module
- (Eiger) Setting all trimbits argument check
- (Receiver) performance (memory allocation and alignment, file buffering)
- (Receiver) Eiger: Different rx_fifodepth defaults
- (Receiver) rx_fifodepth has a higher range
- (Receiver) subperiod in master file
- (Package) Removed warnings including memory overlap copy
- (Users) Added setflippeddatax to users class
- (Zmq) Client data streaming fix (Client data call back)
Compared to 4.1.1,
- no firmware update required for this release
- eiger on-board detector server update required for this release
Bug Fix Release: 4.1.1
- detangled receiver streaming from data call back in client
and allow for unregister data call back in client - (eiger) software trigger made to work along with blocking acquire
- bug fix for locks in blocking acquire
- parameter file allows for modular commands
Compared to 4.1.0,
no firmware or on-board detector server update required for this release.
Minor Release: 4.1.0
- software for eiger quad hardware integrated
- command line framesl, cyclesl was printing in float (jungfrau, gotthard)
- eiger interrupt subframe flag
- eiger server reg command (+0x100 for left and +0x200 for right)
- additional eiger parameters included i master file
Bug Fix Release: 4.0.2
- Jungfrau receiver as root user
- Receiver HDF5 printErrorStack
- Jungfrau server detector position error when switching between different detector sizes
- Gotthard server get settings does not set default dacs anymore
- Jungfrau powerchip multi detector command delay
- Client API data call back / Gui (Eiger in 4 bit mode)
- Users class added burst_trigger in getTimingMode from string
- Gui switching to tabplot during acquisition error messages