Added License. Read COPYING for more details.
Shared libraries versioned from this release on (6.0.0)
Change in some API names
[Jungfrau] Features for chipv1.1 incorporated
Chip version
Chip configuration
Settings and gain mode
Storage cells
Filter resistor
Filter cell
Comparator disable time
Current source
[Jungfrau] Read n rows added
[Eiger] Modified to readnrows command
Added Default dac
Added Reset dacs
[Mythen3] Added Gain Capacitance
[Gotthard2] AddedVeto streaming from chip
[Gotthard2[ Modified Veto streaming from detector
[Gotthard2] Added Veto algorithm
[Eiger][Gotthard2][Mythen3] Added Module ID
[Gotthard2] Added DBIT pipeline
[Eiger][Jungfrau] Added Round Robin commands
Modified Command Line Parsing for round robin, but backwards compatible
Added Clear Udp Destination
Changed Shared Memory Naming
[Eiger][Mythen3] Added Blocking trigger
[Eiger] Added Data stream enable for ports
Removed Changing TCP ports after
[Eiger][Jungfrau][Gotthard2] Modified Speed command
[Eiger][Jungfrau] Modified to Flip rows command
[Jungfrau] Modifed auto_comp_disable command
Gotthard2] Bad Channels moved to a new register
[Gotthard2] default settings including clock frequency changed
[Gotthard2] Updated config file in detector server
[Virtual servers] Artifical pixel values increasing by every packet, instead of every pixel.
[Receiver] Frames caught in metadata
[Receiver] Removed Padding option for Deactivated half modules.
[Gui] [Mythen3] counters added in settings tab
[Gotthard2] Tolerance in time parameters resolved
[Jungfrau] Stopping in trigger mode and then switching to auto timing mode
[Jungfrau][CTB][Moench][Gotthard][Gotthard2][Mythen3] Firmware Programming validations
[Eiger] Stop sends last frame
[Eiger] Bottom not rotated in quad mode fixed
[Mythen3] counter mask effect on vthreshold
[Eiger] fast quad fix for loading trimbits
[Eiger] Can also use copydetectorserver command.
copydetectorserver command also creates a link to the binary copied
[Receiver] Disabled port or deactivated (half) modules will not create files.
You can’t perform that action at this time.