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Merge pull request #40 from slimgroup/glow_splitscales
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add split_scales option to glow
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grizzuti authored Nov 21, 2021
2 parents 0f8603e + 565b40c commit 1961cec
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Showing 4 changed files with 212 additions and 31 deletions.
83 changes: 56 additions & 27 deletions src/networks/invertible_network_glow.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ export NetworkGlow, NetworkGlow3D
- `K`: number of flow steps per scale (inner loop)
- `split_scales`: if true, perform squeeze operation which halves spatial dimensions and duplicates channel dimensions
then split output in half along channel dimension after each scale. Feed one half through the next layers,
while saving the remaining channels for the output.
- `k1`, `k2`: kernel size of convolutions in residual block. `k1` is the kernel of the first and third
operator, `k2` is the kernel size of the second operator.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,84 +60,98 @@ export NetworkGlow, NetworkGlow3D
struct NetworkGlow <: InvertibleNetwork
AN::AbstractArray{ActNorm, 2}
CL::AbstractArray{CouplingLayerGlow, 2}
Z_dims::AbstractArray{Tuple, 1}
Z_dims::Union{AbstractArray{Tuple, 1}, Nothing}

@Flux.functor NetworkGlow

# Constructor
function NetworkGlow(n_in, n_hidden, L, K; k1=3, k2=1, p1=1, p2=0, s1=1, s2=1, ndims=2)
function NetworkGlow(n_in, n_hidden, L, K; split_scales=false, k1=3, k2=1, p1=1, p2=0, s1=1, s2=1, ndims=2)

AN = Array{ActNorm}(undef, L, K) # activation normalization
CL = Array{CouplingLayerGlow}(undef, L, K) # coupling layers w/ 1x1 convolution and residual block
Z_dims = Array{Tuple}(undef, L-1) # save dimensions for inverse/backward pass

if split_scales
Z_dims = Array{Tuple}(undef, L-1) # save dimensions for inverse/backward pass
channel_factor = 4
Z_dims = nothing
channel_factor = 1

for i=1:L
n_in *= 4 # squeeze
n_in *= channel_factor # squeeze if split_scales is turned on
for j=1:K
AN[i, j] = ActNorm(n_in; logdet=true)
CL[i, j] = CouplingLayerGlow(n_in, n_hidden; k1=k1, k2=k2, p1=p1, p2=p2, s1=s1, s2=s2, logdet=true, ndims=ndims)
(i < L) && (n_in = Int64(n_in/2)) # split
(i < L && split_scales) && (n_in = Int64(n_in/2)) # split

return NetworkGlow(AN, CL, Z_dims, L, K)
return NetworkGlow(AN, CL, Z_dims, L, K, split_scales)

NetworkGlow3D(args; kw...) = NetworkGlow(args...; kw..., ndims=3)

# Forward pass and compute logdet
function forward(X::AbstractArray{T, N}, G::NetworkGlow) where {T, N}
Z_save = array_of_array(X, G.L-1)
G.split_scales && (Z_save = array_of_array(X, G.L-1))

logdet = 0
for i=1:G.L
X = squeeze(X; pattern="checkerboard")
(G.split_scales) && (X = squeeze(X; pattern="checkerboard"))
for j=1:G.K
X, logdet1 = G.AN[i, j].forward(X)
X, logdet2 = G.CL[i, j].forward(X)
logdet += (logdet1 + logdet2)
if i < G.L # don't split after last iteration
if G.split_scales && i < G.L # don't split after last iteration
X, Z = tensor_split(X)
Z_save[i] = Z
G.Z_dims[i] = size(Z)
X = cat_states(Z_save, X)
G.split_scales && (X = cat_states(Z_save, X))
return X, logdet

# Inverse pass and compute gradients
# Inverse pass
function inverse(X::AbstractArray{T, N}, G::NetworkGlow) where {T, N}
Z_save, X = split_states(X, G.Z_dims)
G.split_scales && ((Z_save, X) = split_states(X, G.Z_dims))
for i=G.L:-1:1
if i < G.L
if G.split_scales && i < G.L
X = tensor_cat(X, Z_save[i])
for j=G.K:-1:1
X = G.CL[i, j].inverse(X)
X = G.AN[i, j].inverse(X)
X = unsqueeze(X; pattern="checkerboard")
(G.split_scales) && (X = unsqueeze(X; pattern="checkerboard"))
return X

# Backward pass and compute gradients
function backward(ΔX::AbstractArray{T, N}, X::AbstractArray{T, N}, G::NetworkGlow; set_grad::Bool=true) where {T, N}
ΔZ_save, ΔX = split_states(ΔX, G.Z_dims)
Z_save, X = split_states(X, G.Z_dims)

# Split data and gradients
if G.split_scales
ΔZ_save, ΔX = split_states(ΔX, G.Z_dims)
Z_save, X = split_states(X, G.Z_dims)

if ~set_grad
Δθ = Array{Parameter, 1}(undef, 10*G.L*G.K)
∇logdet = Array{Parameter, 1}(undef, 10*G.L*G.K)
blkidx = 10*G.L*G.K
for i=G.L:-1:1
if i < G.L
X = tensor_cat(X, Z_save[i])
if G.split_scales && i < G.L
X = tensor_cat(X, Z_save[i])
ΔX = tensor_cat(ΔX, ΔZ_save[i])
for j=G.K:-1:1
Expand All @@ -148,8 +166,10 @@ function backward(ΔX::AbstractArray{T, N}, X::AbstractArray{T, N}, G::NetworkGl
blkidx -= 10
X = unsqueeze(X; pattern="checkerboard")
ΔX = unsqueeze(ΔX; pattern="checkerboard")
if G.split_scales
X = unsqueeze(X; pattern="checkerboard")
ΔX = unsqueeze(ΔX; pattern="checkerboard")
set_grad ? (return ΔX, X) : (return ΔX, Δθ, X, ∇logdet)
Expand All @@ -158,14 +178,20 @@ end
## Jacobian-related utils

function jacobian(ΔX::AbstractArray{T, N}, Δθ::Array{Parameter, 1}, X, G::NetworkGlow) where {T, N}
Z_save = array_of_array(ΔX, G.L-1)
ΔZ_save = array_of_array(ΔX, G.L-1)

if G.split_scales
Z_save = array_of_array(ΔX, G.L-1)
ΔZ_save = array_of_array(ΔX, G.L-1)
logdet = 0
GNΔθ = Array{Parameter, 1}(undef, 10*G.L*G.K)
blkidx = 0
for i=1:G.L
X = squeeze(X; pattern="checkerboard")
ΔX = squeeze(ΔX; pattern="checkerboard")
if G.split_scales
X = squeeze(X; pattern="checkerboard")
ΔX = squeeze(ΔX; pattern="checkerboard")

for j=1:G.K
Δθ_ij = Δθ[blkidx+1:blkidx+10]
ΔX, X, logdet1, GNΔθ1 = G.AN[i, j].jacobian(ΔX, Δθ_ij[1:2], X)
Expand All @@ -174,16 +200,19 @@ function jacobian(ΔX::AbstractArray{T, N}, Δθ::Array{Parameter, 1}, X, G::Net
GNΔθ[blkidx+1:blkidx+10] = cat(GNΔθ1,GNΔθ2; dims=1)
blkidx += 10
if i < G.L # don't split after last iteration
if G.split_scales && i < G.L # don't split after last iteration
X, Z = tensor_split(X)
ΔX, ΔZ = tensor_split(ΔX)
Z_save[i] = Z
ΔZ_save[i] = ΔZ
G.Z_dims[i] = size(Z)
X = cat_states(Z_save, X)
ΔX = cat_states(ΔZ_save, ΔX)
if G.split_scales
X = cat_states(Z_save, X)
ΔX = cat_states(ΔZ_save, ΔX)

return ΔX, X, logdet, GNΔθ

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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion test/test_layers/test_coupling_layer_irim.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
# Author: Philipp Witte, [email protected]
# Date: January 2020

using InvertibleNetworks, LinearAlgebra, Test
using InvertibleNetworks, LinearAlgebra, Test, Random


# Input
nx = 28
Expand Down
153 changes: 151 additions & 2 deletions test/test_networks/test_glow.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@

using InvertibleNetworks, LinearAlgebra, Test, Random


# Define network
nx = 32
ny = 32
Expand All @@ -13,20 +15,21 @@ batchsize = 2
L = 2
K = 2

###########################################Test with split_scales = false #########################
# Invertibility

# Network and input
G = NetworkGlow(n_in, n_hidden, L, K)
X = rand(Float32, nx, ny, n_in, batchsize)

Y = G.forward(X)[1]
X_ = G.backward(Y, Y)[2]
X_ = G.inverse(Y)

@test isapprox(norm(X - X_)/norm(X), 0f0; atol=1f-5)

# Test gradients are set and cleared
G.backward(Y, Y)

P = get_params(G)
gsum = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,6 +152,152 @@ end

# Adjoint test

set_params!(G, θ)
dY, Y, _, _ = G.jacobian(dX, dθ, X)
dY_ = randn(Float32, size(dY))
dX_, dθ_, _, _ = G.adjointJacobian(dY_, Y)
a = dot(dY, dY_)
b = dot(dX, dX_)+dot(dθ, dθ_)
@test isapprox(a, b; rtol=1f-3)

###########################################Test with split_scales = true #########################
# Invertibility

# Network and input
G = NetworkGlow(n_in, n_hidden, L, K; split_scales=true)
X = rand(Float32, nx, ny, n_in, batchsize)

Y = G.forward(X)[1]
X_ = G.inverse(Y)

@test isapprox(norm(X - X_)/norm(X), 0f0; atol=1f-5)

# Test gradients are set and cleared
G.backward(Y, Y)

P = get_params(G)
gsum = 0
for p in P
~isnothing(p.grad) && (global gsum += 1)
@test isequal(gsum, L*K*10)

gsum = 0
for p in P
~isnothing(p.grad) && (global gsum += 1)
@test isequal(gsum, 0)

# Gradient test

function loss(G, X)
Y, logdet = G.forward(X)
f = -log_likelihood(Y) - logdet
ΔY = -∇log_likelihood(Y)
ΔX, X_ = G.backward(ΔY, Y)
return f, ΔX, G.CL[1,1].RB.W1.grad, G.CL[1,1].C.v1.grad

# Gradient test w.r.t. input
G = NetworkGlow(n_in, n_hidden, L, K; split_scales=true)
X = rand(Float32, nx, ny, n_in, batchsize)
X0 = rand(Float32, nx, ny, n_in, batchsize)
dX = X - X0

f0, ΔX = loss(G, X0)[1:2]
h = 0.1f0
maxiter = 4
err1 = zeros(Float32, maxiter)
err2 = zeros(Float32, maxiter)

print("\nGradient test glow: input\n")
for j=1:maxiter
f = loss(G, X0 + h*dX,)[1]
err1[j] = abs(f - f0)
err2[j] = abs(f - f0 - h*dot(dX, ΔX))
print(err1[j], "; ", err2[j], "\n")
global h = h/2f0

@test isapprox(err1[end] / (err1[1]/2^(maxiter-1)), 1f0; atol=1f1)
@test isapprox(err2[end] / (err2[1]/4^(maxiter-1)), 1f0; atol=1f1)

# Gradient test w.r.t. parameters
X = rand(Float32, nx, ny, n_in, batchsize)
G = NetworkGlow(n_in, n_hidden, L, K; split_scales=true)
G0 = NetworkGlow(n_in, n_hidden, L, K; split_scales=true)
Gini = deepcopy(G0)

# Test one parameter from residual block and 1x1 conv
dW = G.CL[1,1] - G0.CL[1,1]
dv = G.CL[1,1] - G0.CL[1,1]

f0, ΔX, ΔW, Δv = loss(G0, X)
h = 0.1f0
maxiter = 4
err3 = zeros(Float32, maxiter)
err4 = zeros(Float32, maxiter)

print("\nGradient test glow: input\n")
for j=1:maxiter
G0.CL[1,1] = Gini.CL[1,1] + h*dW
G0.CL[1,1] = Gini.CL[1,1] + h*dv

f = loss(G0, X)[1]
err3[j] = abs(f - f0)
err4[j] = abs(f - f0 - h*dot(dW, ΔW) - h*dot(dv, Δv))
print(err3[j], "; ", err4[j], "\n")
global h = h/2f0

@test isapprox(err3[end] / (err3[1]/2^(maxiter-1)), 1f0; atol=1f1)
@test isapprox(err4[end] / (err4[1]/4^(maxiter-1)), 1f0; atol=1f1)

# Jacobian-related tests

# Gradient test

# Initialization
G = NetworkGlow(n_in, n_hidden, L, K; split_scales=true); G.forward(randn(Float32, nx, ny, n_in, batchsize))
θ = deepcopy(get_params(G))
G0 = NetworkGlow(n_in, n_hidden, L, K; split_scales=true); G0.forward(randn(Float32, nx, ny, n_in, batchsize))
θ0 = deepcopy(get_params(G0))
X = randn(Float32, nx, ny, n_in, batchsize)

# Perturbation (normalized)
= θ-θ0; dθ .*= norm.(θ0)./(norm.(dθ).+1f-10)
dX = randn(Float32, nx, ny, n_in, batchsize); dX *= norm(X)/norm(dX)

# Jacobian eval
dY, Y, _, _ = G.jacobian(dX, dθ, X)

# Test
print("\nJacobian test\n")
h = 0.1f0
maxiter = 5
err5 = zeros(Float32, maxiter)
err6 = zeros(Float32, maxiter)
for j=1:maxiter
set_params!(G, θ+h*dθ)
Y_loc, _ = G.forward(X+h*dX)
err5[j] = norm(Y_loc - Y)
err6[j] = norm(Y_loc - Y - h*dY)
print(err5[j], "; ", err6[j], "\n")
global h = h/2f0

@test isapprox(err5[end] / (err5[1]/2^(maxiter-1)), 1f0; atol=1f1)
@test isapprox(err6[end] / (err6[1]/4^(maxiter-1)), 1f0; atol=1f1)

# Adjoint test

set_params!(G, θ)
dY, Y, _, _ = G.jacobian(dX, dθ, X)
dY_ = randn(Float32, size(dY))
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/test_utils/test_sequential.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# Author: Gabrio Rizzuti, [email protected]
# Date: September 2020

using InvertibleNetworks, LinearAlgebra, Test, Statistics
using InvertibleNetworks, LinearAlgebra, Test, Statistics, Random


# Initialization
Expand Down

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