The Pub/Sub pattern is needed every now and then and this library is a no dependency, tiny and typesafe solution.
npm install --save lightcast
# or
yarn add lightcast
import { createPubSub } from 'lightcast'
// create
const pubSub = createPubSub<string>()
// subscribe anywhere in your app
// dispatch
pubSub.dispatch('hello world')
Working with groups
// say you have a piece of code that accepts callbacks for events
const loader = createLoader({
onProgress: (progress) => console.log(progress),
onComplete: () => console.log('done'),
import { createPubSub } from 'lightcast'
const pubSub = {
onProgress: createPubSub<number>(),
onComplete: createPubSub<void>(),
// you could make it work like this...
const loader = createLoader({
onProgress: pubSub.onProgress.dispatch,
onComplete: pubSub.onComplete.dispatch,
// ...
import { createPubSub, groupByAction } from 'lightcast'
// but it is easier to group by dispatch/subscribe/dispose
const pubSub = groupByAction({
onProgress: createPubSub<number>(),
onComplete: createPubSub<void>(),
const loader = createLoader({
// ...