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Update to pytorch 2.0

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@jdb78 jdb78 released this 10 Apr 19:56

Breaking Changes

  • Upgraded to pytorch 2.0 and lightning 2.0. This brings a couple of changes, such as configuration of trainers. See the lightning upgrade guide. For PyTorch Forecasting, this particularly means if you are developing own models, the class method epoch_end has been renamed to on_epoch_end and replacing model.summarize() with ModelSummary(model, max_depth=-1) and Tuner(trainer) is its own class, so trainer.tuner needs replacing. (#1280)
  • Changed the predict() interface returning named tuple - see tutorials.


  • The predict method is now using the lightning predict functionality and allows writing results to disk (#1280).


  • Fixed robust scaler when quantiles are 0.0, and 1.0, i.e. minimum and maximum (#1142)