- Python: 3.6 and over
- Django: 2.2 and over
To use django-payments in your existing django project:
Add payment and import_export to your INSTALLED_APPS
Create the payment tables by running the migrations:
./manage.py migrate
Add payment urls to your urlpatterns:
urlpatterns = [
path('payment/', include('payment.urls')),
Configure the CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GATEWAYS and PAYMENT_GATEWAYS settings. See example settings.py
This module provides implementations for the following payment-gateways:
- Authorization
- Capture
- Refund
- Split Payment with stripe connect
- Adding metadata to the stripe payment, for easy sorting in stripe
Implemented features:
- Authorization
- Capture
- Refund
The source distribution includes an example project that lets one exercise the different gateway implementations without having to write any code.
Install the django-payment dependencies (the example project has identical dependencies):
pip install -e .
Create the database and admin user:
cd example_project
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py createsuperuser
Start the dev server:
./manage.py runserver
Then point your browser to:
Create a new payment (make sure the captured amount currency is the same as the total currency)
Then operate on that payment with:<payment-id>
To install all dependencies:
pip install -e .
To run unit tests:
pip install pytest-django
To lint, typecheck, test on all supported versions of python and django. Also to verify you didn't forget to create a migration:
pip install tox
To install the version being developed into another django project:
pip install -e <path-to-this-directory>
More information about the design of this application