just a test for buttons in love2D only for collision, does not have gui
add your path to the file
put this inside your love.update() and insert in your mouse position
button.update(mouseX, mouseY)
these are the functions you can put in your codes.
adds a button with parameters
change a button's parameters if they are different from the new one
button.change_button(id, parameter)
-- order is the index of the desired effect
button.change_button_effect(id, order, parameter)
- id : any var, leave empty for it to be set automatically from 1 to the next empty id
- shape : "rec" (rectangle) or "circ" (circle)
- x : int
- y : int
- effect : this needs to be made as a table and inside will have tables of the effects, not of the effect parameters (see example bellow)
- w : width (specific for rectangles)
- h : height (specific for rectangles)
- r : radius (specific for circles)
these will be inside the effect
- effect.func : this will be called once the trigger is activated (effect.func())
- effect.args : this needs to be made as a table, leave nil if the effect.func does not need any argument
- effect.args[1], effect.args[2]... : this will be given if exist to effect.func(effect.args[1], ...)
- mosueTrigger : same parameters as love.mouse.isDown(), defaults to 1
- type : currently has 3 options, "onClick" for when the mouse clicks it, "onHover" for when the mouse is on top of the button, and "onMouseLeave" for when the mouse is not on top of the button
- falser : this does not matter for "onClick" as it will be defaulted, only for "onMouseLeave" (or "onHover" if the mouse loads on top of it), having this as true means that it will not trigger the effect once loaded, already defaults to false
removes a button with specific id
removes all buttons
adds some settings
- globalButtonMap : true (already defaults to false), sets the buttonMap table to be global
this will add the button lib, make a rectangle shaped button in x position 50, y 50, have a widht of 100 and height of 100 and once clicked will do Add_num(10, 5), and once hovered will do Add_num(5)
function love.load()
button.add_button({id=1, shape="rec", x=50, y=50, w=100, h=100, effect={{
args={10, 5}},
args={5, 10, 15}
-- somewhere inside love.load
-- changes button of id 1 to have the x and y of 100 and 200
button.change_button(1, {x=100, y=200})
-- changes the second effect of button with id 1 to have the type to "onMouseLeave" and change the second arg into 30 while leaving the first one
button.change_button_effect(1, 2, {type="onMouseLeave", args={nil, 30}})