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πŸ’  121-Django/Practice_01-30/Practice-13 Online Shop Image-15 i18n
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
1- write in a directory Terminal
2- Create private/public repository in your account github
3- in Terminal -> echo '# OnlineShope' >>
4- in Terminal -> git init
5- in Terminal -> git add
6-  in Terminal -> git commit -m 'first commit'
7-  in Terminal -> git branch -M main
8-  in Terminal -> git remote add origin [email protected]:β›”YOUR_USER_NAMEβ›”/OnlineShope.git
9-  in Terminal -> git push -u origin main
10- Check your repository link, make sure that will changed
11- paste everything from directory you cloned in step 1 from this link
12- paste this file from this link in
13- change permission by this command in Terminal
14- Check permission file by this command in Terminal
15- run this for first time use docker-compose
16- write in Terminal -> docker-compose up --build
17- Run strong VPN and write again in Terminal
18- write Ctrl + C key and shut it down
19- Run again (strong VPN activated)
20- Check in browser should see default django page
πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ 
BEFORE migrate
If for any reason you have to rebuild and delete containers web + databas
You need run again these command before to continue
docker-compose up --build
docker-compose exec web python makemigrations
docker-compose exec web python migrate
docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser
21- in Terminal -> docker-compose exec web python startapp accounts
22- add accounts in config/ > INSTALLED_APPS list
23-first docker rm containers and second rmi image
24- create fake venv, write in Terminal
25- Create .gitignore file and add this into it
26- import this into accounts/
27- create new class in accounts/
28- Create in accounts directory
29- import this in accounts/
30- Create new class in accounts/
31- add this in config/
32- Create new class in accounts/
33- import this into accounts/
34- create new class in accounts/
35- in Terminal -> docker-compose exec web python makemigrations
36- in Terminal -> docker-compose exec web python migrate
37- in Terminal -> docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser
38- in Terminal -> docker-compose up --build
πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’  For All Projects πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ 
    1- in Terminal
    docker-compose up --build
    2- in Terminal
    Ctrl + C key
    3- in Terminal
    docker start 2_django_haji_web_1 2_django_haji_db_1
    docker start web_Name dataBase_Name
    4- in Terminal
    docker-compose exec web python makemigrations
    5- in Terminal
    docker-compose exec web python migrate
    6- in Terminal
    docker-compose up --build
    7- in another Terminal
    docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser
    8- in browser

    Output, it must be implemented correctly
39- in Terminal -> docker-compose exec web python startapp pages
40- add pages in config/ > INSTALLED_APPS list -> 'pages',
41- import this into pages/ -> from django.views.generic import TemplateView
42- create new two classes into pages/
43- Create tempaltes/home.html in current directory of project -> tempaltes/home.html
44- write in tempaltes/home.html -> Home Page is Here Dear YOUR_NAME :)
45- write this in config/ TEMPLATES list -> 'DIRS': [str(BASE_DIR.joinpath('templates'))],
46- Rebuild Server -> docker-compose up --build
47- Create tempaltes/pages/aboutus.html in pages directory -> templates/pages/aboutus.html
48- Write in tempaltes/pages/aboutus.html -> About Us YOU from Earth
49- import this in config/ -> from django.urls import include
50- write into config/ > urlpatterns list -> path('', include('pages.urls')),
51- Create in pages directory ->
52- import in pages/
53- Create urlpatterns list in pages/
54- Rebuild server in Terminal -> docker-compose up --build
55- Remove previous images maybe are like this IDs
56- Check browser
57- write this in config/ in urlpatterns list
58- Create in accounts directory
59- import into accounts/
60- Create urlpatterns list in accounts/
61- import into accounts/
62- Create new class into accounts/
63- Create registration/login.html AND registration/signup.html in templates current directory project
64- write these in templates/registration/signup.html
65- write these in templates/registration/login.html
66- Rebuild Server -> docker-compose up
67- Check browser ->
68- Check this link ->
69- Check this link ->
70- Check this link ->
71- write this in config/
72- make sure server is true running like this
73- Check these links should be redirected after login/logout
You Can write TEST for everything in this step in file Apps
74- in another Terminal (Server should be acticeted now) -> docker-compose exec web pip install django-crispy-forms
75- Check requirements.txt must be like this
76- in another Terminal  (Server should be acticeted now) -> docker-compose exec web pip freeze > requirements.txt
77- Check requirements.txt must be Changed like this
78- write this into config/ in INSTALLED_APPS > after Djangop default Apps
79- for convinience way to after this step, write this in Terminal -> pipenv install
80- for running any command for (docker-compose exec web ...) in terminal
From now on, execute Docker-compose commands inside this terminal,
when the pipenv environment is not active.
81- Create _base.html in templates directory -> _base.html
82- write html:5 in file _base.html and Press Enter(return)
83- search in browser 'bootstrap'
84- Copy 'Bootstrap CSS' from this link ->
85- Paste that in head tag of _base.html
86- Copy <script> tag for our JavaScript bundle from this link ->
87- Paste that end of body tag in _base.html
88- Change title of _base.html like this -> <title>{% block page_title %}{% endblock %}</title>
89- inside body tag of _base.html add this
90- change inside home.html like this
91- Copy all of home.html -> Paste on login.html
92- Change login.html like these
93- Copy all login.html -> Paste on signup.html
94- Change signup.html like these
95- Check site in broswer all fonts should be changed ->
96- in end of config/
97- add this in after {extends} login.html like this
98- Change this line in login.html like this
99- Apply the previous two steps to the signup.html page
100- Check these -> 100-1 AND 100-2
101- add this in config/ INSTALLED_APPS list
102- add this in config/ like this
103- Check these links should be changed -> 103-1 AND 103-2
104- Check these link Django All Auth
105- before run this command, be sure docker is running -> 105-1 AND 105-2 AND 105-3
Be careful!
Every package you add means you are adding a vulnerability to your site.
106- Check requirements.txt should be like this
107- after Installation 'django-allauth' write this in that specific Terminal without any environment
108- Check requirements.txt should be like this
109- write this for syncing pipenv with requirements.txt
110- add these into config/ > INSTALLED_APPS list after previous Third Parties
111- add these in end of config/
112- add thi in config/ > MIDDLEWARE list after default django Middlewares
113- Delete these in config/ > urlpatterns list
114- Write new path in config/ > urlpatterns list -> path('accounts/', include('allauth.urls')),
115- Rename this file 'registration' to account -> account
116- Create .dockerignore in current directory of project -> .dockerignore
117- write in .dockerignore
118- Rebuild Server
119- Check these two links , they must have changed.
120- Delete these from accounts/
121- Delete these from accounts/
122- write this end of config/ under '# For All Auth App'
123- Create logout.html in tempaltes/account directory -> logout.html
124- Copy all login.html -> Paste in logout.html
125- Change logout.html like these
126- Try to login should get this error after login
127- in Terminal -> docker-compose exec web python migrate
(optional) 128- Maybe need to restart server maybe not
129- Check and login again. It must be implemented correctly. ->
130- Check for logout correctly. It must be implemented correctly. ->
131- add these under all auth: config/ -> ACCOUNT_SIGNUP_PASSWORD_ENTER_TWICE = False
132- Check this link The site forces the user to enter a password once. ->
133- Create new user for testing Email in Terminal
134- Check Terminal was running docker in previous step should printed like these
135- write in config/ after # For All Auth App Settings -> ... ACCOUNT_USERNAME_REQUIRED = False
136- write in config/ after # For All Auth App Settings -> ... ACCOUNT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = 'email'
137- write in config/ after # For All Auth App Settings -> ... ACCOUNT_EMAIL_REQUIRED = True
138- write in config/ after # For All Auth App Settings -> ... ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_EMAIL = True
139- Rebuild Server -> docker-compose up --build
140- Check this link, should be shows just two things = (Email + Password once) ->
141- in broswer go to admin panel ->
142- in broswer go to users ->
143- Check account Username , You created in step 133 , Should be like this
144- Install this in another Terminal (Docker should be running right now)
145- add previous step in requirements.txt by this command in Terminal
146- write this in config/ after imports -> from environs import Env
147- install again for pipenv, write in Terminal -> pipenv install -r requirements.txt
148- write these in config/, after step 146
149- Cut the values of SECRET_KEY without these signs '' like this
150- change value of SECRET_KEY like this -> SECRET_KEY = env('DJANGO_SECRET_KEY')
151- create new dependency in docker-compose.yml file after ports:...
152- create new environment in docker-compose.yml file after depends_on:...
153- If in values of SECRET_KEY was a $ sign repeat $ again after it like this -> django-insecure-b76419095#(&o4o((cvy!z^nsseq5@erq#e^0%5r5a(%c24*f^*sde
154- Rebuild Server -> docker-compose up --build
155- write new environment Variable in docker-compose after DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=...
156- change value of DEBUG in config/ like this
157- change value of ALLOWED_HOSTS list in config/ like this
158- Restart Server in Termial
159- Check this link in broswer
160- Create new Gmail for this tutorial(Check list)
161- go in that Gmail account
162- go in manage my account
163- find in security
164- find 'Less secure app access' -> Turn On Access
165- write in config/ after EMAIL_BACKEND
166- Restart Server
167- go in this link
168- Copy that temporary fake email
169- create a new user in this link
170- change in config/ after EMAIL_BACKEND
171- Create this directory in templates/account -> email
172- Create this file in templates/account -> email_confirmation_subject.txt
173- Create this file in templates/account/email -> email_confirmation_message.txt
174- Write these codes inside of templates/account/email/email_confirmation_subject.txt
175- Write these codes inside of templates/account/email/email_confirmation_message.txt
176- Create  new user again in this link in browser
177- Check Terminal , should got Email content like this
178- Click on this link from previous step
179- Create this file in tempaltes/account -> email_confirm.html
180- Write these inside tempaltes/account/email_confirm.html
181- Click on this link again, should be changed
182- Write these inside of _base.html
183- Change home.html like this
184- First logout from this link
185- Check this link in broswer, should added these two link = login and signup
186- Check these to links should jump to ligin/signup page
187- Change aboutus.html like this
188- Change _base.html like this
189- Change this _base.html like this
190- Write in Terminal -> docker-compose exec web python startapp products
191- Install products app in config/ > INSTALLED_APPS list
192- Go into products/, Copy ProductsConfig function
193- change Install app address in config/ > INSTALLED_APPS list. You can also write like this.
194- Create new model in products/
195- Write in another Termial -> docker-compose exec web python makemigrations products
196- Check this address products/migrations/
197- Write in another Termial -> docker-compose exec web python migrate
198- import this into products/
199- Create new class into products/
200- Create product_list.html file in products/templates/products/product_list.html -> templates/products/product_list.html
201- Write these into templates/products/product_list.html
202- Create in products directory(App) ->
203- import these into products/
204- Creat new urlpatterns list inside products/
205- Create new path inside config/ after paths in urlpatterns list -> ... path('products/', include('products.urls')),
206- Restart server in Termial -> docker-compose up
207- Check this link , It must be implemented correctly.
208- add these codes in content block inside of product_list.html
209- import into products/
210- Create new class in products/
211- Restart server in Termial -> docker-compose up
212- Create new product in this link ->
213- go to products/ add the magic method end of Product class like this
214- check this link should pretty shows title products you created in previous steps ->
215- add list_display in products/ in class of ProductAdmin
216- check this link should pretty shows title products you created in previous steps ->
217- Check this link should be shows all products you created before ->
218- change products/ class like this
219- Restart Server -> docker-compose up
220- deactive a product in this link ->
221- go back in this link the deactivate product most be don't shows. ->
222- Create new class for detail view of products in products/
223- Create this file in products/templates/products/product_detail.html -> product_detail.html
224- write inside of product_detail.html these codes
225- Change this line in product_list.html
226- import ProductDetailView in products/ -> from .views import ProductDetailView
227- Create new path in products/ -> path('<int:pk>/', ProductDetailView.as_view(), name='product_detail'),
228- Check this link, Output, it must be implemented correctly: ->
229- import into products/ -> from django.shortcuts import reverse
230- add end of Product class into products/
231- add this to product_list.html -> <a href='{{ product.get_absolute_url }}'>
232- Restart Server in Terminal -> docker-compose up
233- Check this link and Click on a product you created, it should will be jump to detail view itself. ->
234- import this in config/ -> import os
235- Add this after STATIC_URL in config/
236- Create new directory in current directory project -> static
237- Create new directory in static/css
238- Copy and Paste your CSS files in static/css directory
239- add these in HEAD tag of _base.html
240- Add this to First line of _base.html -> {% load static %}
241- Add these to product_list.html
242- Go to this link, broswer content must be messy ->
243- Change this line in _base.html
245- Rebuild Server
246- Add Images to static directory
247- Change this in _base.html
248- Paste Your Fonts directory in static directory
249- Restart Server
250- add these into _base.html before {% block content %}
251- content of product_list.html
252- content of _base.html for now
253- Copy/Paste js files in static directory
254- Change this line in product_list.html
255- Check your products. It must be implemented correctly.
256- Change this line in product_list.html
257- Change this in product_detail.html
258- Check this link ->
259- import this into products/
260- Create new model for comments this into products/
261- make sure server is running + write in another Terminal
262- make sure server is running + write in another Terminal
263- import into products/
264- add this into products/
265- Restart Server
266- Check browser links
267- Create two comments for two different products
268- Create new class in products/
269- add this in 'class ProductAdmin' > products/
270- Change product_detail.html on line number 113 : <ul class=review__list>
271- add {% load static %} to product_detail.html
272- Go in product details in this link shuold be shows detail of comments
273- Create new file in products directory
274- import these in products/
275- Create new class in products/
276- add these bunch of codes into ProductDetailView class in products/
277- import into first of products/
278- change these bunch of code in product_detail.html
279- Check this link
280- add these bunch of codes in product_detail.html
281- Check this link
282- check in crispy_forms should be installed
283- write after {% load static %} in product_detail.html
284- change this in product_detail.html
285- Check this link
286- import in products/
287- Create new class in products/
288- import in products/
289- Create new path in products/
290- add this into product_detail.html
291- create a comment + should get an error
292- add  this in class of Comment into products/
293- add new comment and check it
294- change this line in product_detail.html
295- Create new Custom Manager in products/ with a new class
296- add this in class of Comment into products/
297- Create new directory in products
298- Create new file in products/templatetags
299- Create new file in products/templatetags
300- add into in products/templatetags/
301- create new decorator into products/templatetags/
302- add this in first product_detail.html
303- this in first product_detail.html
304- check this link
305- Restart server , + (sure you have deactive bunch of comments and in this shouldn't be shows)
306- this in first product_detail.html
307- change this into products/ -> about StackedInline
308- add this in products/ -> about Verbose Name
  • Loading branch information
sinalalebakhsh committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent 42e6991 commit f909af0
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
git add .
git commit -m " πŸ’  121-Django/Practice_01-30/Practice-13 Online Shop Image-14 about frontend
git commit -m " πŸ’  121-Django/Practice_01-30/Practice-13 Online Shop Image-15 i18n
1- write in a directory Terminal
2- Create private/public repository in your account github
3- in Terminal -> echo '# OnlineShope' >>
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