Recognize syllables in words, adjusted to Slovak language rules and heuristics.
(It should be useful also for Czech language.)
Author: Simeon Borko, [email protected]
Date: Sep 06, 2017
pip3 install git+git://
from syllabiky.syllabiky import split_phrase
from syllabiky.DbMatcher import DbMatcher
matcher = DbMatcher()
foo = split_phrase("zirafa", matcher) # zi-ra-fa
from syllabiky.syllabiky import split_word
# returns string where words syllables are delimited by hyphen (-)
split_phrase('phrase to be processed', matcher)
# returns string where word syllables are delimited by hyphen (-)
split_word('wordtobesplit', matcher)
# returns list of Syllable objects; you can convert them to string using str(syllableObj)
split_word('wordtobesplit', matcher, True)