A simple and easy-to-use todo app with jwt auth and mongodb deployed locally that helps you stay organized and with your daily tasks and subtasks within tasks.
- Mongodb - database
- NODE.js - Javascript Runtime Engine
- React JS - frontend library
- Express JS - Node js library
- Tailwind CSS - CSS
- JWT tokens has been used
1.Clone the project
2.Go to the project directory
cd Todo-App/
3.Run Frontend
- move to frontend folder
cd client
- Install Packages
npm install
- Start frontend server
npm start
4.Run Backend
- move to backend folder
cd server
- Install Packages
npm install
- Start backend server
npm run dev
5.Make sure to put your mongodb connection URI in .env file
- User Authentication
- Each user can save their own account
- Create Todo and render it on the screen
- Todos are get saved in database
- All CRUD operations can be done.
- How to use hooks in react
- How to authorize certain route and save the token in the browser's local storage
- How to connect frontend and backend
- Learn how to use POSTMAN and THUNDERCLIENT
- Learn CRUD in database
- Learn how to handle APIs
It took me 3 days to complete this project
Successfully deployed the web application on AWS with a static IP and custom domain.
Configured Nginx as a reverse proxy and implemented SSL certificates for secure connections shramanpaul-todo.work.gd
Managed database deployment on MongoDB Atlas, ensuring high availability and scalability.