Work in progress Typescript SDK for the Shotstack API.
Render a video (trim start and end):
import Shotstack, { EditApiApiKeys } from './dist/index.js';
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
const basePath = '';
const EditApi = new Shotstack.EditApi(basePath);
EditApi.setApiKey(EditApiApiKeys.DeveloperKey, apiKey);
const videoAsset = new Shotstack.VideoAsset();
videoAsset.src = '';
videoAsset.trim = 3;
const videoClip = new Shotstack.Clip();
videoClip.asset = videoAsset;
videoClip.start = 0;
videoClip.length = 8;
const track = new Shotstack.Track();
track.clips = [videoClip];
const timeline = new Shotstack.Timeline();
timeline.tracks = [track];
const mux = new Shotstack.MuxDestination();
const output = new Shotstack.Output();
output.format = Shotstack.Output.FormatEnum.MP4;
output.resolution = Shotstack.Output.ResolutionEnum.SD;
output.destinations = [mux];
const edit = new Shotstack.Edit();
edit.timeline = timeline;
edit.output = output;
EditApi.postRender(edit).then((data) => {
Check render status:
import Shotstack, { EditApiApiKeys } from './dist/index.js';
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
const basePath = '';
const EditApi = new Shotstack.EditApi(basePath);
EditApi.setApiKey(EditApiApiKeys.DeveloperKey, apiKey);
const renderId = 'RENDER_ID'; // get this from the response of the postRender method
EditApi.getRender(renderId, { data: false }).then((data) => {
if (data.response.body.response.status === 'done') {
Ingest a video and create a rendition:
import Shotstack, { IngestApiApiKeys } from './dist/index.js';
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
const basePath = '';
const IngestApi = new Shotstack.IngestApi(basePath);
IngestApi.setApiKey(IngestApiApiKeys.DeveloperKey, apiKey);
const size = new Shotstack.Size();
size.width = 1280;
size.height = 720;
const rendition = new Shotstack.Rendition();
rendition.format = Shotstack.Rendition.FormatEnum.MP4;
rendition.size = size;
const outputs = new Shotstack.Outputs();
outputs.renditions = [rendition];
const source = new Shotstack.Source();
source.url = '';
source.outputs = outputs;
IngestApi.postSource(source).then((data) => {
Get source and rendition details:
import Shotstack, { IngestApiApiKeys } from './dist/index.js';
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
const basePath = '';
const IngestApi = new Shotstack.IngestApi(basePath);
IngestApi.setApiKey(IngestApiApiKeys.DeveloperKey, apiKey);
const sourceId = 'zzy89yhy-1w4y-xe41-t3v6-1gafvp0qmhvz';
IngestApi.getSource(sourceId).then((data) => {
if ( === 'ready') {
if ([0].status === 'ready') {
Generate an image using Shotstack text-to-image service
import Shotstack, { CreateApiApiKeys } from './dist/index.js';
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
const basePath = '';
const CreateApi = new Shotstack.CreateApi(basePath);
CreateApi.setApiKey(CreateApiApiKeys.DeveloperKey, apiKey);
const shotstackTextToImageOptions = new Shotstack.ShotstackTextToImageOptions();
shotstackTextToImageOptions.prompt = 'A detailed realistic photograph of Mars, showcasing its orange-red surface and dark outer space in the background with stars';
shotstackTextToImageOptions.width = 1024;
shotstackTextToImageOptions.height = 1024;
const shotstackTextToImage = new Shotstack.ShotstackGeneratedAsset();
shotstackTextToImage.options = shotstackTextToImageOptions;
CreateApi.postGenerateAsset(shotstackTextToImage).then((data) => {
Check generation status:
import Shotstack, { CreateApiApiKeys } from './dist/index.js';
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
const basePath = '';
const CreateApi = new Shotstack.CreateApi(basePath);
CreateApi.setApiKey(CreateApiApiKeys.DeveloperKey, apiKey);
const assetId = '01ht4-dtfsp-e6s59-ktryg-3w27mn';
CreateApi.getGeneratedAsset(assetId).then((data) => {
if ( === 'done') {
Transfer a file to a destination (Pexels to AWS S3):
import Shotstack, { ServeApiApiKeys } from './dist/index.js';
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
const basePath = '';
const ServeApi = new Shotstack.ServeApi(basePath);
ServeApi.setApiKey(ServeApiApiKeys.DeveloperKey, apiKey);
const s3DestinationOptions = new Shotstack.S3DestinationOptions();
s3DestinationOptions.region = 'ap-southeast-2';
s3DestinationOptions.bucket = 'my-bucket';
s3DestinationOptions.prefix = 'testing';
s3DestinationOptions.filename = 'photo';
s3DestinationOptions.acl = 'public-read';
const s3Destination = new Shotstack.S3Destination();
s3Destination.options = s3DestinationOptions;
const transfer = new Shotstack.Transfer();
transfer.url = ''; = 'MY_ASSET_ID';
transfer.destinations = [s3Destination];
ServeApi.postServeAsset(transfer).then((data) => {
Get asset details:
import Shotstack, { ServeApiApiKeys } from './dist/index.js';
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
const basePath = '';
const ServeApi = new Shotstack.ServeApi(basePath);
ServeApi.setApiKey(ServeApiApiKeys.DeveloperKey, apiKey);
const assetId = 'MY_ASSET_ID'; // User created asset ID, render ID or source/rendition ID
ServeApi.getAssetByRenderId(assetId).then((data) => {
if ([0].attributes.status === 'ready') {
ServeApi.getAsset([0] => {