These are the reference notes about Data Analytics using Statistics and R. Goal is to build models based on statistical and machine learning methods. I have tried to keep complete code as a set of 'minimum working example', so that anyone can easily copy and modify it for their own datasets.
Assumption: Working directory has sub-folders named "data", "images", "code", "docs".
Following links contain the completed HTML:
The HTML File access MathJax via internet to render LaTex Equations. Thus, equations will NOT be rendered properly if the file is viewed offline. Otherwise, the file is a standalone document containing all the relevant images, tables and codes to generate them.
This document is a collection of multiple lecture notes, books, and online material. The current status of the document is 'work-in-progress' as it is incomplete and it may contain inconsistencies and errors.
The code has been checked only on Windows 10. For Mac or Linux, if when you find something that has different output or behavior, please let me know.
Proper reference to the original source may sometimes be lacking. This is regrettable and these references will be included in later versions.