DemoGrapher helps in efficiently visualizing students data segregated by demographics. The information can be refined by numerous powerful filters based on criteria like Student Gender, Ethnicity, Academic Year, Academic Level, College, Department, Major, etc.
The following technologies have been used in this project.
- Bootstrap: Serves as a frontend framework for reusable components and consistency accross functionalities.
- D3: Serves to generate dynamic graphics like interactive visualizations on geographical map & filters.
- Flask: Serves as the light weight web server and application framework for this application.
- HTML5: Used for latest feature support like consistent screen sizing and better performance.
- JavaScript: Serves as the basic frontend dynamic data manipulation language.
- JQuery: Serves as the main library supporting all the fundamental reusable functionalities across the frontend.
- Postgres DB: Serves as the primary storage to hold all the students academic, enrollment and geographical data.
- Python3: Serves as the primary implementation language for the backend which exposes HTTP RESTFul JSON APIs for student's data.
git clone
cd DemoGrapher
make install
make run
Please download the postgres data dump here:
A few sample screenshots of DemoGrapher are given below.