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This is the website for Sheffield Hackspace. The site is written using Jekyll. Posts and updates from members are welcome just make a PR.



The header font used is "Big Noodle Titling" (WOFF2).

Screenshot of header, showing big noodle titling font

The body font used is "Fira Sans".

Screenshot of body, showing Fira Sans font

Making changes

All changes should be made as a pull request to main. All changes require a PR review from one trustee.

How to build

Using Docker

Install docker and docker compose.

To start the site run docker-compose up then navigate to http://localhost:4000/Public-Website/ in your browser

To update the gemfile.lock if you have changed a plugin run docker-compose run jekyll bundle update

Using Jekyll locally

Note: for debugging only, you should use Docker to see the website as it will look when built.

sudo apt-get install ruby-full
gem install bundler
bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle install

Serve. This is the same command used in the docker compose file.

bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --force_polling --verbose

How to add a blog post

  1. Add a markdown file to _posts of the format

  2. Add front matter meta data. This can be copied and edited from another post. An example is

    id: 2150
    title: 'Computer font making workshop'
    date: '2024-03-09T00:05:46+01:00'
    author: 'alifeee'
    layout: post
    guid: ''
    permalink: /font-workshop/
        - Uncategorized
        - workshop

    For ID, add 10 to the previous post ID. For guid, use the ID. For other keys, make an educated guess or copy from a previous post.

  3. For images:

    1. Add a folder under /assets/blog/ with the same name as the blog post.

    2. Use markdown image formatting, and use the {{ baseurl }} short code for the base URL. For example

      ![Hand-drawn sign saying "font making workshop"]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/blog/2024-03-09-font-workshop/workshop-sign.jpg)
  4. Create a pull request!

    1. It is helpful if you enable GitHub pages on your repository Fork, so a preview can be seen.