Overview of wonderful series started by Oday and Rakesh for refactoring android application under youtube channel Dry Code.
This repository breaks each episode code into separate projects for better understanding. Main points from each episode are discussed in detail with appropriate links.
The series tries to implement the Clean architecture of Uncle Bob. It starts with implementing MVP with repository pattern. Explaination of MVP with Clean architecture is discussed in Episode 9 - 04:20 - 18:50 using Fernando Cejas article
Basic concepts covered in this series includes
- Implementing MVP
- Test Driven Development
- Writing unit test
- Introductin to Mockito
- Introductin to RxJava
- Introduction to Dagger
Moreover, useful discussions between Uday and Rakesh that provides inside knowledge about various stuff
- Books (Effective Java[E4] and Java Concurrency in Practice[E8])
- Videos (Testing made sweet with a Mockito by Jereon Mols and GOTO 2016 • Exploring RxJava 2 for Android • Jake Wharton)
- IDE shortcuts
- SOLID Principles[E4]
- Exceptions
- Code coverage[E6]
- Securely storing keys in Android[E7]
- Threading in general
- MVP in Android vs MVC in Web[E9]
- Refactoring an Android App - #1 - Intro to the MVP pattern
- Refactoring an Android App - #2 - Presenter Implementation continued
- Refactoring an Android App - #3 - Introducing Mockito
- Refactoring an Android App - #4 - MVP Testing continued (Exceptions)
- Refactoring an Android App - #5 - Introduction to RxJava (revisited)
- Refactoring an Android App - #6 - RxJava 2 Composite Disposables
- Refactoring an Android App - #7 - Audience Feedback
- Refactoring an Android App - #8 - Threading in RxJava 2
- Refactoring an Android App - #9 - Audience Questions
- Refactoring an Android App - #10 - Dependency Injection