In one terminal
npm install
npm start
In another terminal
npm install -g localtunnel
lt -p 8080 -s <subdomain>
Open browser and go to https://<subdomain>
npm init
npm install koa koa-static koa-websocket kcors uuid
- create index.js
- serve public
- add cors
- add ws route
- create public/index.html
- import adapter.js
- connect to ws signal server
- create uuid on WS connect
- send welcome message to client
- restructure into class
- accept welcome message
- collect all collections
- broadcast join
- receive and relay offers
- recieve broadcasted joins
- create peer connection
- create and send offer
- receive and relay answers
- recieve and relay candidates
- Server is done
- send candidates
- receive canditates
- receive offers
- create and send answer
- capture and output local video/audio stream
- add local stream to peer connection
- output remote video/audio streams
- remove remote video on connection close
- add support for SSL