Stuff for packaging subuser to CentOS/RHEL, and Debian
For CentOS/RHEL package, Shann Signing Key
pub 2048R/12EC4983 2016-03-24 Stanislas Leduc (shann) <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 9ACA E5D6 AC5F 390F 4EB1 3955 6217 44A2 12EC 4983
- CentOS or RHEL 7 or Debian 8 x64 (not support Fedora for moment)
- Softwares Collections enable
- SELINUX Disable or Permissive mode (investigate to use with Enforcing)
- Install Software Collection
On CentOS
# yum install centos-release-scl
# subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
# yum-config-manager --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms
- Install subuser
Download version you should from el7/rpms folder (0.5.5 is latest version).
# yum localinstall path/to/rh-python34-subuser-xxx.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm
- Debian
- Install subuser
Download version you should from jessie/deb folder (0.5.5 is latest version). For moment, i not create repository but this does not delay.
# dpkg -i path/to/subsuser_xxx-1_amd64.deb
Dpkg can't resolv dependencies you need to run apt-get -f install for fetch them.
# apt-get -f install
- Add your user to docker group
dockerroot for CentOS/RHEL
# usermod -aG docker {user}
- For CentOS/RHEL, run docker with dockerroot group (in future include in post installation)
Edit /etc/sysconfig/docker
and add "-G dockerroot" to OPTIONS line.
OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled -G dockerroot'
- Start Docker daemon
Rerun command with replace 'start' with 'enable' to run docker at boot.
# systemctl start docker
- Update path
$ source /etc/profile
Now play with subuser, you invit to visit for quickstart guide.