The "Game of Dice" is a multiplayer game where N players roll a 6 faced dice in a round-robin fashion. Each time a player rolls the dice their points increase by the number (1 to 6) achieved by the roll.
As soon as a player accumulates M points they complete the game and are assigned a rank. Remaining players continue to play the game till they accumulate at least M points. The game ends when all players have accumulated at least M points.
- The order in which the users roll the dice is decided randomly at the start of the game.
- If a player rolls the value "6" then they immediately get another chance to roll again and move ahead in the game.
- If a player rolls the value "1" two consecutive times then they are forced to skip their next turn as a penalty.
- Implement a standalone program in your favorite programming language which takes the values N (number of players) and M (points of accumulate) as command line arguments.
- Name the players as Player-1 to Player-N and randomly assign the order in which they will roll the dice.
- When it's the turn for Player-X to roll the dice prompt a message like “Player-3 its your turn (press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
- Randomly simulate a dice roll, display the points achieved and add the points to the user’s score.
- Print the current rank table which displays the points of all users and their rank after each roll.
- If the user gets another chance because they rolled a ‘6’ or they are penalised because they rolled ‘1’ twice consecutively then print appropriate message on standard output to inform the user.
- If a user completes the game, print an appropriate message on the output displaying their rank.
- Java 1.8 needs to be installed in machine
Download the runnbale jar file named as "TheGameOfDice.jar" from folder "Executables"
Run the follow command terminal/console/powershell
Syntax : java -jar TheGameOfDice.jar NoOfPlayers MaximumPointToWin
Example : java -jar TheGameOfDice.jar 3 10
Game starts now!
Players List - [Player-1, Player-2, Player-3]
Welcome to Game of Dice!!!
Points to Win the game - 10
Order of players to Play the game - [Player-2, Player-3, Player-1]
Game starts now....3...2...1...Go
Player-2 its your turn, (Press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
Points achieved by - Player-2 is 6
Lucky roll...!
Players Score Rank Completed Game
Player-2 6 1 false
Player-2 its your turn, (Press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
Points achieved by - Player-2 is 4
Congrats Player-2 Completes the Game!!!
Players Score Rank Completed Game
Player-2 10 1 true
Player-3 its your turn, (Press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
Points achieved by - Player-3 is 1
Players Score Rank Completed Game
Player-3 1 2 false
Player-2 10 1 true
Player-1 its your turn, (Press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
Points achieved by - Player-1 is 6
Lucky roll...!
Players Score Rank Completed Game
Player-1 6 2 false
Player-3 1 3 false
Player-2 10 1 true
Player-1 its your turn, (Press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
Points achieved by - Player-1 is 4
Congrats Player-1 Completes the Game!!!
Players Score Rank Completed Game
Player-1 10 2 true
Player-3 1 3 false
Player-2 10 1 true
Player-3 its your turn, (Press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
Points achieved by - Player-3 is 4
Players Score Rank Completed Game
Player-1 10 2 true
Player-3 5 3 false
Player-2 10 1 true
Player-3 its your turn, (Press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
Points achieved by - Player-3 is 3
Players Score Rank Completed Game
Player-1 10 2 true
Player-3 8 3 false
Player-2 10 1 true
Player-3 its your turn, (Press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
Points achieved by - Player-3 is 6
Congrats Player-3 Completes the Game!!!
Game Over
Players Score Rank Completed Game
Player-1 10 2 true
Player-3 14 3 true
Player-2 10 1 true