My first windows rice, and my current windows desktop
- yasb
- komorebi
- Catppuccin theme by niivu
- Wallpaper Engine
This yasb config actually has 2 variants, one usings a dot design for the komorebi workspaces, and another which uses numbers, both are labeled respectively within the yasb folder of the repo.
For the most part the komorebi config is the default, only differences being that in workspace 2 it is a floating workspace, and the border colors for active and inactive windows have been updated to fit the Catppuccin color scheme.
I plan on adding more wallpaper later, but for now I have included 4 wallpapers of the kessoku band members, which have been partially edited to better fit the color palette. All wallpapers are then used in the CWAV Engine on Wallpaper Engine to add both particle effects and the audio visualizer.
All other program themes are just using the official Catppuccin ports from the Catppuccin site.